Consolidated Kansas

When I finished catching and caging my mix of poultry I am taking to the Afton, OK swap tomorrow, I took some photos of my turkey with the bad leg.

Also I took a picture of a silky rooster taking care of six chicks. Thursday night I moved a hen and eight chicks from a hutch they were in with a rooster and another silky hen with a nest of eggs, that were starting to hatch. The hutch I moved them to wasn't baby chick-tight. And nether was the other hutch, because 6 of the chicks went home to Daddy rooster.
Awww, poor turkey, that's nice he has a friend. That's a cute pic of the Silkie rooster with the chicks.

It's 65 here this morning, almost chilly. We had opened the windows last night because it was cooler outside than in the house & our little dogs were barking at things all night with our bedroom door open. We have a sliding glass door on our room that is the back door. I think the people who built the house intended to build a deck out there & it never got done, so the door goes out to nothing, we don't even have steps there. I had to put cement blocks to step down on because it's a drop to the ground, pretty crazy. I would love to have a small deck out there, but it's probably not going to get done. You would have to drive posts to build one & we're on a ridge here, so you can be guaranteed there is rock any time you dig.

I hope my hens get with the program & start laying better too, a lot of them have been molting & all of these weather changes back & forth don't help.
Josie - we use Southern LP Gas - kind of a mom and pop deal on highway 160 just west of Winfield. They have been so great with us - I can't recommend them too highly!
Below is a pic of my first setup in prep for 6 buff orpingtons next week. Under the pool is a 2.5 inch piece of foam to keep it off the cold concrete.

I'm in Derby and this is our first attempt at chickens! We are ordering a coop/run from and it will be here in a few months.

Wish us luck!

Below is a pic of my first setup in prep for 6 buff orpingtons next week. Under the pool is a 2.5 inch piece of foam to keep it off the cold concrete.

I'm in Derby and this is our first attempt at chickens! We are ordering a coop/run from and it will be here in a few months.

Wish us luck!

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Ralph, sorry to hear that your turkey is losing its leg. I don't know much about turkey so I can't offer much advice. I hope she will be able to get around with 1 leg.

Trish, it was really nice and cool this morning. I was out at the farmers market and it was chilly!

Blavis, welcome! I hope you enjoy the chicks! They do grow up fast and dusty! I'm with Sharol there, you might want to put a net over the pool brooder or they will be outside of it in no time. Do post pics when your chicks arrive. We never get tired of fuzzy butts pictures.

I have been busy all morning trying to get the house cleaned so I can have company over. I sure wish the house is smaller or I can afford to hire someone to clean the house once a month. My husband was over by the old house making sure the painters are doing their job. We are getting it rented out soon so it needs to be done.

I just about have enough with the chicks in the house. This batch hatched about 2.5 weeks ago and they are super active. They jumped up on the ecoglow on 3rd day and now trying to fly out of the brooder. I may need to start moving them out soon.

Enough rest and I need to get back to cleaning.

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