Consolidated Kansas

Thanks for your replies. I need to be on the internet all day long five days a week for work, and I'm starting to get depressed because if I'm unable to find internet service that allows me to do that I won't be able to make the move. I know that satellite wont' cut it because I need to be able to use my voip phone and satellite lag would make that impossible. I've read about verizon 4g internet and it sounds good except I'm worried about the data limits. It sounds like such a spoiled brat city slicker thing saying I "need" the internet, but it's not to watch Netflix, stream videos, play online video games, or anything like that--I couldn't care less about those things. I really need the internet to keep my job if I move out of the city and won't be in the office every day.
There are no data limits on 4G internet. Most plans start out at 10 gig but you can add another gig for like $15 a month. You will never be kicked off because you've exceeded your data. You will just pay more. It's much cheaper to add a couple extra gigs than it is to just pay for overages. You can also track your usage and get alerts when you have used over 75% of your data. We run 14 gig for all the phones and two internets users that are on 24 seven. I limit my on line time but my DH is terrible about leaving multiple pages up all the time. I keep telling him to shut it down when he is sleeping or not here but he doesn't. The months you really have to watch usage is during November, December and July. That's when all the advertisements are streaming constantly. I doubt very seriously you would ever go over ten gigs if you aren't on social media sites a lot. With satellite you are going to pay a lot more for heavy uses and they will kick you of if you go over. We could get by on far far less with a little common sense.
It really disgusts me that all these videos are imbedded in advertisements and such. Also people post videos on their facebook pages and they start playing when I look at my home page when they are friends. I haven't checked to see if I can stop them from doing that. I really could care less if my customers have videos of their dogs or cats on their home page!!! LOL
You should call and talk to a sales rep and get more facts.
Thanks for your replies. I need to be on the internet all day long five days a week for work, and I'm starting to get depressed because if I'm unable to find internet service that allows me to do that I won't be able to make the move. I know that satellite wont' cut it because I need to be able to use my voip phone and satellite lag would make that impossible. I've read about verizon 4g internet and it sounds good except I'm worried about the data limits. It sounds like such a spoiled brat city slicker thing saying I "need" the internet, but it's not to watch Netflix, stream videos, play online video games, or anything like that--I couldn't care less about those things. I really need the internet to keep my job if I move out of the city and won't be in the office every day.

I'm not sure of what is offered in the area you are going to relocate, but here in southeast Kansas the rural cooperatives are converting to fiber optics and it is very rare to have interrupted internet service. I still have the internet when the satellite TV service is off( which is often during bad weather).
Looking in the Chase and Morris County areas, maybe as far north as Clay County. So any information about those areas is greatly appreciated. My first call into the Flint Hills RECA said what was available was satellite internet, not encouraging. I have a call into TCT but am waiting to hear back.
@TytoAlba , we are in somewhat of the same situation you are with Internet. We live just feet from where the Cox Communication boundaries end. We've had almost every kind of Internet over the years with moving so much. Right now, we use ATT U-Verse, but we are far enough from the end of their "line" that our speeds are marginal. We get unlimited data, though, and what we need to work works. I would, frankly, prefer satellite for the faster speeds but, like you, we use a VOIP phone and my kids' online homeschool conferencing won't work with the lag on satellite. We are not eligible for Pixius out here, because they don't have a repeater anywhere close. We used a repeater-type service in the country in our most recent previous home in Illinois, and it worked great. The satellite service we used when we lived between Haven and Yoder was KanOkla. It was fantastic. HOWEVER, at that time it was just me on 'net, with my husband online occasionally. Now I've got 4 kids and myself, with multiple people using the Internet at a time. I don't think Satellite data limits would be adequate for my family's usage at this point. I hope you get everything worked out.
We have Dish Net satellite service. It is hughes, but instead of a daily limit, we work on a monthly limit. Right now we have 10 gb from 8 - 2am, and another 10 gigs from 2-8am. The current plan for new signups is more generous off hours. I do computer tech work, so I struggle with the data limitations, but so far it is working for me. If you already use Dish, there is a $10 break on the price, but you can get it by itself. It isn't awful.
What is this cayenne pepper y'all speak of?? (Of course, I know what cayenne pepper is...I lived in Louisiana and have a penchant for Cajun food. I just don't know how you use it with chickens and why.) I'm gathering that it is supposed to help the chickens lay eggs, but how? And how do y'all incorporate it evenly into their feed? Or do you sprinkle it on? My inquiring mind wants to know.
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I don't know how Ralph uses it but I give cayenne to my turkey to keep them from getting they love it. I just shake a little into the feed. I am sure you could just put it on top. Chickens and such love cayenne. They don't notice the heat like we do. I know when I mix it I have to be very careful not to rub my eyes or anything. Even though I think I have none on me that stuff goes everywhere. It also makes me sneeze too. I like you love cajun food and the more cayenne the better so I have lots on hand. I have added cayenne in the winter because I read it help them create body heat but had never even considered it in the summer.
When my hens slack off laying, I pepper their food with cayenne pepper. I think it makes them drink more water, and maybe they eat more food. All I know it works for me. I don't add pepper on a daily bases, but when I do, the egg production improves the next day.

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