Consolidated Kansas

@WichitaKSClucks , WELCOME!! So glad you found your way to the Consolidated KS forum. I think you'll like it here. I have found very knowledgeable, kind, and witty people here on our forum that share a love of almost every living, breathing thing...especially chickens and winged friends.

I, too, live in Wichita. Actually, we live pretty close to you! I live in north Wichita, between Wichita and Valley Center, in the county. We've lived in our little five-acre country plot for about a year and four months now. We are in our 9th month of raising chickens, and we love it. So exciting about your first egg! Getting eggs just never gets old for us. Our ladies kind of took a laying break this summer, but they're starting to pick up again, and it never gets old to go out and find that another hen has re-started production. We also have many pullets coming in to production for the first time, so it is fun to try to guess, "Who's egg is it, anyway?" when we find a new one.

The kids and I are back from Ulysses. What a wonderful time we got to spend with my parents, and it was the perfect conclusion to our summer before school starts Monday. My oldest daughter passed her written test and got her learner's permit a few weeks ago, so I had her drive me from Pratt to Ulysses, and then all around Ulysses. I took advantage of the small-town driving opportunities for her there, and had her drive us everywhere. She did really well. I only made her cry once.
We just relaxed and caught up with my parents, which was just what the doctor ordered for everyone. On our way to Ulysses, we also stopped in Iuka for my grandma's family reunion. It was neat seeing Grandma's brothers and their families.

I have to share a couple of pictures of my mom's flowers. She has a green thumb with flowers and vegetables! One of my favorite plants she has is this purple shamrock (not pictured). Someone gave it to her around St. Patty's day one year, and she kept it in the pot in the house for a year or two, then tried planting it outside. It not only lived, but it's been transplanted a bagillion times and survived. I'm gonna have to get me a purple shamrock! Also, the fact that she gets things to thrive in the clay-soiled, arid climate that is southwest Kansas is a feat in itself. I didn't get pictures of the backyard this time, which is equally pretty. I'll have to take some next time I'm there.

This is one of Mom's front flowerbeds.

Another front flowerbed.

You can probably tell which side of the fence is my parents'. She took over the spot in front of their mailbox too, naturally!
Beautiful flower beds. Mine have degenerated into weeds and sunflowers. I had them completely cleaned out back in April, but life intrudes, and they have gone to weeds again. The birds love hanging out in the tall weeds, though, so it isn't a complete loss.
@WichitaKSClucks , what an adorable little coop. Do you let the birds free range in your back yard? I've never seen a coop designed quite like that. Love the window graphics. Are they done in metal?
@Grain Gypsy , Your mothers flower beds look lovely. You can tell she takes good care of them. Being a former landscape designer, I noticed some things about her design. She used native plants perennials as base plants. And added some xeriscaping. Then filled in with annuals. I'm jealous that I don't have the time or decent soil to maintain a good flower bed. It's either got to be the flower beds or that birds and I can handle the birds better. When I lived in town all my time was used for flower beds. Now it's all used for birds. I still dream of having a nice place again. But that is many projects down the road. I can truely appreciate a garden with planning being evident and work to keep it nice.
Well today ain't going as planned at all. I woke everyone up to get ready for church and as I was out taking care of the chickens they all went back to bed. I understand everyone is exhausted, we are still trying to get the other house ready to rent and poor dh is working 55-60 hr weeks on top of that. I was kind of disappointed to see shiny wet looking feathers on Bella today, I was really hoping he was a hen. I have also noticed that Goldie keeps challenging Bella the past couple days so more than likely that one is a boy too. My daughter is going to be really upset, she can't pick a hen to save her life. Everyone she has picked have turned out to be boys. So right before winter that will put me down at least 3 cuz the old lady is about done. She is only laying 2-3 eggs a week now. Its not a complete loss though cuz I have had my eye on some lavender faverolle eggs on eBay. I'm still guessing about the gender of my little silkie mix. She has gotten so pretty I will really be disappointed if she turns out to be a he. I do have a little shining star in my flock though! Sherbert has started laying since I got back from Texas and is giving me 6 eggs a week! I'm pretty proud of her! I just wish we could find a good place out in the country so I can have what I want. I had a place with a nice 6 bd house on 36 acres all set up for livestock and crops and go figure as soon as I email it to dh and he approves it was sold! Getting pretty frustrating. Being in town is so not fun. Especially since we have to buy so much food. Can't just go outside and get fresh milk or send something to the butcher to fill the freezer. Prices are just outrageous lately and with 6 kids we are spending $300 a week on food. Once I get back onto my own farm I am so not leaving ever again!

This is Pepper, the silkie mix that I have no clue what gender. Any opinions?
I see pointed feathers. I would guess boy from what I can see in the picture.
Not positive about the shiny wet looking feathers comment on Bella. That may not be a determinate for sure depending on what feathers you are referencing and what the breed is. Pullets will challenge each other as well so don't let that be a deciding factor. Post pictures of the birds in question showing a close up of saddle feathers and overall body shape and it will be easier to guess correctly.
Here is my chicken coop in my 1/4 acre Wichita city lot. I live in the northwest part of Wichita in a neighborhood called Benjamin Hills. I ordered my chicken coop from a company in Massachusetts and love it. When it's lit up at night it's so beautiful. Also has a heated roosting bar and regular roosting bar so they can go back and forth in the winter.

Please keep in mind that my church youth group kids named my 2 geese and 10 pullets: (yes, one is named Naked, the boys wanted to be able to say they had a "naked chick" at their youth group leader's house, ugh)!!!

I got a permit for 12 fowl (the maximum Wichita will allow).

I have 1 African goose named Paca, 1 Toulouse goose named Tungi, 1 Black Sexlink named Obama, 1 White Leghorn named Angel, 2 Buff Orpingtons named Nugget and Phoenix, 1 pullet named Naked that I'm not sure what is, 1 Americauna named Bailey, 1 Ply Barred Rock named Eunice, 1 Sultan named Eleanor, 1 Astrolope named Astro, and 1 Easter Egger named Compass

Naked started laying this last Monday, so far she is the only one laying.
That is an adorable coop, I have not seen one like that either. I love the names of your chickens & geese.

@WichitaKSClucks , WELCOME!! So glad you found your way to the Consolidated KS forum. I think you'll like it here. I have found very knowledgeable, kind, and witty people here on our forum that share a love of almost every living, breathing thing...especially chickens and winged friends.

I, too, live in Wichita. Actually, we live pretty close to you! I live in north Wichita, between Wichita and Valley Center, in the county. We've lived in our little five-acre country plot for about a year and four months now. We are in our 9th month of raising chickens, and we love it. So exciting about your first egg! Getting eggs just never gets old for us. Our ladies kind of took a laying break this summer, but they're starting to pick up again, and it never gets old to go out and find that another hen has re-started production. We also have many pullets coming in to production for the first time, so it is fun to try to guess, "Who's egg is it, anyway?" when we find a new one.

The kids and I are back from Ulysses. What a wonderful time we got to spend with my parents, and it was the perfect conclusion to our summer before school starts Monday. My oldest daughter passed her written test and got her learner's permit a few weeks ago, so I had her drive me from Pratt to Ulysses, and then all around Ulysses. I took advantage of the small-town driving opportunities for her there, and had her drive us everywhere. She did really well. I only made her cry once.
We just relaxed and caught up with my parents, which was just what the doctor ordered for everyone. On our way to Ulysses, we also stopped in Iuka for my grandma's family reunion. It was neat seeing Grandma's brothers and their families.

I have to share a couple of pictures of my mom's flowers. She has a green thumb with flowers and vegetables! One of my favorite plants she has is this purple shamrock (not pictured). Someone gave it to her around St. Patty's day one year, and she kept it in the pot in the house for a year or two, then tried planting it outside. It not only lived, but it's been transplanted a bagillion times and survived. I'm gonna have to get me a purple shamrock! Also, the fact that she gets things to thrive in the clay-soiled, arid climate that is southwest Kansas is a feat in itself. I didn't get pictures of the backyard this time, which is equally pretty. I'll have to take some next time I'm there.

This is one of Mom's front flowerbeds.

Another front flowerbed.

You can probably tell which side of the fence is my parents'. She took over the spot in front of their mailbox too, naturally!
Those are gorgeous flower beds! I love flowers & I used to have flower beds like that, until I got chickens again. Now all I can grow are strong scented things they don't like. I can grow mints & the catmint is something that is clumping instead of spreading & it blooms all summer. I did find this year that they don't like the Lantana for the same reason, it's strong scent. If I can find some things like that maybe next year I could actually have a flower bed again. They dust bathe in my flower beds so they make a mess. I had to put rocks around the lantana to keep them from digging them up.

Well today ain't going as planned at all. I woke everyone up to get ready for church and as I was out taking care of the chickens they all went back to bed. I understand everyone is exhausted, we are still trying to get the other house ready to rent and poor dh is working 55-60 hr weeks on top of that. I was kind of disappointed to see shiny wet looking feathers on Bella today, I was really hoping he was a hen. I have also noticed that Goldie keeps challenging Bella the past couple days so more than likely that one is a boy too. My daughter is going to be really upset, she can't pick a hen to save her life. Everyone she has picked have turned out to be boys. So right before winter that will put me down at least 3 cuz the old lady is about done. She is only laying 2-3 eggs a week now. Its not a complete loss though cuz I have had my eye on some lavender faverolle eggs on eBay. I'm still guessing about the gender of my little silkie mix. She has gotten so pretty I will really be disappointed if she turns out to be a he. I do have a little shining star in my flock though! Sherbert has started laying since I got back from Texas and is giving me 6 eggs a week! I'm pretty proud of her! I just wish we could find a good place out in the country so I can have what I want. I had a place with a nice 6 bd house on 36 acres all set up for livestock and crops and go figure as soon as I email it to dh and he approves it was sold! Getting pretty frustrating. Being in town is so not fun. Especially since we have to buy so much food. Can't just go outside and get fresh milk or send something to the butcher to fill the freezer. Prices are just outrageous lately and with 6 kids we are spending $300 a week on food. Once I get back onto my own farm I am so not leaving ever again!
I wish you luck on finding a place in the country. It sure beats living in the city for sure. I left Wichita in 1976 & haven't lived in a town since then. I grew up in the city but I've always had a country girl heart & that's where I belong. My husband keeps saying he wishes he had bought a place in town & if he had we wouldn't be married because I don't want to go back to any town to live. It's just so peaceful in the country & I like my privacy to have what birds & animals I want & not have someone looking at me every time I go outside. That's what I hated about living in town. I used to have a really big garden but I just can't handle it any more with my arthritis. That's why I'm going to have this Veg Trug for my salad garden next spring & we'll see what else after that. I do have a small spot in what used to be a flower bed that I can get about 3 tomato plants in & that's enough for just us two anyway. They got a fungus this year from so much rain early on & have been suffering since so we may not have that many tomatoes this year.

I still have 3 broodies sitting but none has hatched anything yet. I lose track of time when these birds start sitting & sometimes I don't even know it till they're in there a few days with the ones in the breeder coop. That's where all 3 of these are this time that are sitting, silly girls.

All of my Sebbies finally have learned to go into the hoop coop at feeding time now. That's a big, big deal because the older 4 would go in & the younger 3 would go that way sometimes but then take off behind the coop & run off through the orchard & back to the front yard. It was so frustrating! The new ducklings are also finally integrating into the flock & are going into their pen, yay!

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