Consolidated Kansas

Lots of new babies for the Fall!

@sharol So glad you found your bird unharmed. I lost my best broody a week ago, never found a sign of her other than one orphaned chick.

@chicken danz Hope you get to feeling better soon. Not sure if it was allergies or a bug that took me out of work Thurs evening. Thank goodness I just refilled my inhailer, my asthma has been hell this year. It makes it so hard to spend to with my chickens too. Sorry about your hatchling, hopefully it was a mutation and not genitic. I found one of my little blacks with it's neck broken this morning
. Not sure, it must have caught it's head and panicked or something. Of course it only happens to the pure breeds and never the mixes......We had the same thing happen to one of the Lavender Ameraucana hens I was picking up from Trish44. She just broke a vertebre in the cage she was isolated in.

Other than that all of the chicks are doing great. The three males are settling in well and will get a reprive from surgery for another week until I get my new blades. Can't wait until they feather in again.
I think I have most of the male and female brahmas separated. I hope. I sure the chick was a mutation thing. I've hatched several chicks from that breeder quad and they all have been perfect until this one. Sometimes things just happen. I normally blame myself. Heaven knows how many times I have mishandled eggs. Also one of the girls is in molt and there tends to be problems with quality when they are going into molt or first coming out of it.
It's so miserably hot out there today. I am really glad we are supposed to get a cool down. Too bad it has to come with rain forecast for several days as well.
My asthma has been worse this year as well. I blame it on lots of rain earlier and high humidity.
It seems I always loose the chicks I want the most. At this point it could be God telling me ,"Enough already!!!"
I was just cleaning out chicks bins and didn't realize how many India blue peachicks I had hatched in the last week or so. I hate having them so late in the year cause they are hard to sell now. but my best hatch of them is always late summer.
I have the last three eggs (all Jubilees) in the incubator, 2 are pipped and the other one is rocking, but the moms abandoned them to take care of the 7 that have hatched. One is pretty weak (the last to hatch). I'm not sure it will make it. I am tempted to put it in the incubator and return it later when it is stronger. Anyone have an opinion on that? One chick (a perfect little yellow chick) was dead on the floor of the nest box. I think it got stepped on. Sigh. I hate it when that happens.
The yellow chick should have been a jubilee as well. If you have a weak one it wouldn't hurt to let it gain some strength. If you have some chick saver or some pedialyte I'd give it some with a dropper to kick start it a little. Sometimes hatching is way too much work!!! It doesn't need to try to catch up with the mom until it regains some strength.
I'm feeling a bit that way myself. I think I spent too much time in that heat. I need to finish feeding but it can wait until the sun goes down.
I was just cleaning out chicks bins and didn't realize how many India blue peachicks I had hatched in the last week or so. I hate having them so late in the year cause they are hard to sell now. but my best hatch of them is always late summer.
I was telling my father about the peas. He grew up with them and has been amused that I have adopted this hobby! Both branches of my families raised poultryway back when....

I have the last three eggs (all Jubilees) in the incubator, 2 are pipped and the other one is rocking, but the moms abandoned them to take care of the 7 that have hatched. One is pretty weak (the last to hatch). I'm not sure it will make it. I am tempted to put it in the incubator and return it later when it is stronger. Anyone have an opinion on that? One chick (a perfect little yellow chick) was dead on the floor of the nest box. I think it got stepped on. Sigh. I hate it when that happens.

It's always some type of Pre-chick-a-ment or another (heehe the geek in me can't resist a good pun once in awhile).
I was telling my father about the peas. He grew up with them and has been amused that I have adopted this hobby! Both branches of my families raised poultryway back when....

It's always some type of Pre-chick-a-ment or another (heehe the geek in me can't resist a good pun once in awhile).
LOL love the pun.

One of the pipped eggs turned out just to be a dirty spot, and it wasn't developed (candled) I broke the egg (outside, very carefully) and it was clear -- never developed. ONe of the pipped eggs hatched a healthy baby -- it will go out to the moms in the dark tomorrow morning VERY EARLY. The other one is peeping and rocking, but no pip. I'd like to help, but.... prechickament for sure.
I want to spray them all for mites or whatever and the easiest way to make sure I get them is to contain them. I do wish I had the second coop out there empty. I have partridge brahmas in there. If so, I would just leave them penned so they're relocated. But I guess it can wait for a while.
I like to make sure all of the birds are clear of any maladies before winter. I am trying to make sure every one is in optimal health before it gets cold.

What do you use on them?
I have been using Sevin and had good luck with small infestations, like a single broody.
I am starting a good deep clean of my entire coop and pens....if the weather would cool off....a bit.
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@RooksMom I doubt if many of us read every word. I tend to skim read most of the time trying to pick out key facts and just mentally filling in the blanks. If something in particular interests me I go back and read it again just to be sure I catch the content. Many of us just rattle some times.anyway. Some of us chicken people want to share what we have going on and talk chickens but don't have much of a captive audience in our regular lives.

I was out spraying birds and had to come in to cool off before going to the next pen. It's crazy hot and humid out there. I hope the forecast is correct and tomorrow we'll be experience the beginning of a cool down.
I had one customer come while ago to trade turkeys. She got two girls and wanted a pair. I was glad to trade. I also gifted her a brahma. She had one for several months that she lost for some unapparent reason. They loved her, so I decided I'd let her have another as a gift. That's one less mouth to feed. These people make total pets out of their birds and baby them so I am more than happy to let them have another bird. I love to see my birds go to good homes.

That is a relief, to know that I'm not the only one who doesn't actually read everything. I always feel bad about it though.

...but....but captive audiances are so much fun!

Lots of new babies for the Fall!

@sharol So glad you found your bird unharmed. I lost my best broody a week ago, never found a sign of her other than one orphaned chick.

@chicken danz Hope you get to feeling better soon. Not sure if it was allergies or a bug that took me out of work Thurs evening. Thank goodness I just refilled my inhailer, my asthma has been hell this year. It makes it so hard to spend to with my chickens too.
My alergies have been bad this year, I think it's just a bad year for respritory systems everywhere. My youngest has had cold after cold, thresh, pnemonia, and an URI this year. Mind you, he's prone to respritory illness, has been all his life, but this has just been crazy.

It's so miserably hot out there today. I am really glad we are supposed to get a cool down. Too bad it has to come with rain forecast for several days as well.
I'll take the rain, maybe the rain-cool down combo will help break up the humidity.
I had two babies in the incubator this morning. One had hatched yesterday afternoon, and I took HER out to the mamas about 5:30 (a.m.). One egg didn't develop (candled it last night). The other one had just hatched, so SHE will be going to the hens tonight or tomorrow morning. That leaves me with either 8 or 9 hatchlings depending on whether the littlest one survived the night. The hens were pretty adamant that I NOT take her in to the incubator yesterday. Those little girls bite HARD.

Both new hatchlings were Jubilees and seem healthy and strong -- just hatched a little later than the others. I'm glad I had the incubator ready.

I'll try for pictures today.
Well we have had a really trying week. My dh has been suffering from a back injury. He has advanced disc degeneration and decided to see a chiropractor to try and get some relief from the pain but it did more harm than good. He has been wheelchair bound most of the week. I have installed grab bars along the living room and have a few more to install for him to be able to get around the house. The V.A is setting up a new scan to determine how bad his back is and will be sending him to their pain management clinic to put him on pain medication. It has been really hard for me to care for him as well as the two little boys. The older kids help a little bit when they are home but have spent most of their time at grandpas so they don't have to help. Its kinda funny to have to set up the wheelchair and get him into it and then take the boys one on each hip to try to go grocery shopping until we get to the carts. And then there's the tiredness. Between the boys and dh not sleeping well lately I haven't slept much myself. On a brighter note, the pool is drained and moved, half of the water system for the flock is installed, the compost box is built, grab bars are installed and I have become really good with a screw gun! Just seems like we can't catch a break this year.

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