Consolidated Kansas

Just an FYI, there is a new Great Pyrenees I just posted on the KS Farm Animal Swap on Facebook looking for a farm or country home. Her name is Paisley, she is about a year old & spayed. You can go on FB & the woman's name is there to contact for more info if anyone is interested. She is a beautiful dog, but has not been used for a livestock guardian dog to this point. I'm sure she has the instincts as they all do, she just has not been exposed to livestock before. There is a $100 re-homing fee for her, oh & she is presently located in Arkansas City. If I didn't already have two I would be tempted.
Ok...I have been trying to wrap my head around the color genetics of chickens head hurts! I have a gorgeous Black Copper Marans roo that came with a beautiful Blue Splash? Marans hen. I am wondering what color(s) of chicks am I going to end up with?
OMG! I just looked at a genetics calculator and don't even know where to start! I have NOOOO idea how to use that thing!
Ok...I have been trying to wrap my head around the color genetics of chickens head hurts! I have a gorgeous Black Copper Marans roo that came with a beautiful Blue Splash? Marans hen. I am wondering what color(s) of chicks am I going to end up with?

You'd get 100% blue chicks.
I've got a blue barred Marans hen I can't wait to use to make dark egg sex links next year.

If you can ignore the other languages and just focus on the English, it's not too bad. Here is your criteria plugged into the calculator.
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I know!!! It is blue, they are from Catdance silkies and she has only blue/splash in those pens. It is really dark blue. I am going to get rid of my blue silkie cockerel and maybe one of these boys will grow into a nicer boy. I just don't like his attitude, he attacks my feet and its just annoying. I have had nicer silkie boys so I have high expectations of them.

The chick in the food bowl is a bantam polish from Jenn. Sadly it is the only polish egg that hatched so Danz is gonna sell me a few polish babies this weekend so it has some friends that look like it! This poor hen is gonna be up to her eyeballs in chicks but she is loving it! She cluck, cluck, clucks and they all come running, its really cute.
I hope you get a really nice Blue cock! So funny how we're going against the grain this year and wishing for boys! LOL Here I am crossing my fingers for a good couple of roosters. Yeah, even if you don't get rid of your Blue, he probably has enough faults to be replaced anyway. I think Catdance has some nice birds. BUT-- I have noticed that some of her boys turn out with red combs, so be aware of that. So fun you're going to get some of Danz's bantam polish-- they are just gorgeous from what I've seen of her photos. :)

Well my SF chick is not getting that much better, I had hoped by now it would be able to at least stand, but no dice.

My DH asked me today if I had much trouble putting that pen together & I told him why yes I did.

I guess my weekend is pretty shot now because my DH is off & Sat. is going to be shopping & Sunday we're having my granddaughter here again, she just got back from spending two weeks with her grandparents in Texas.
I hope your SF is doing okay today? It's too bad he can't make up his mind of whether to get better or just die already. Go you on moving that pen and getting it all put together! Enjoy your granddaughter this weekend!

Hey everyone! New to the BYC community, and was just referred to this thread after I posted about changing the chicken ordinance in Rose Hill. If anyone here is from Rose Hill, let me know, as I will be attending the city council meeting this Monday and requesting that the ordinance be reconsidered.
I'm not in Rosehill. I'm over on the west side of Mulvane. I hope you can get it changed! I think Derby needs an uprising of back yard chickener's too! They currently allow ONE chicken... yeah, right!!? Maybe you can get your neighbors to come with you. I think it's fantastic that you are wanting to dive right in! Keep checking back with us, because this is a wealth of info here for chicken facts and information.

Welcome to the Kansas thread!!! Wish I could figure out how to use the blinky thing but I am not that talented! Good luck with your chicken ordinance!

Danz-Here are pics for your granddaughter of the ducklings that her baby will be buddies with! There are four magpie girls and the three call ducklings with the shrink wrapped eggs and unabsorbed yolks, I can't believe how big and healthy they are! Glad I didn't give up on them, they are the sweetest little buggers.

Sooooo cute, Josie!! Those ducks are adorable! :)

Ok...I have been trying to wrap my head around the color genetics of chickens head hurts! I have a gorgeous Black Copper Marans roo that came with a beautiful Blue Splash? Marans hen. I am wondering what color(s) of chicks am I going to end up with?
I'm working with BBS colors too and they are really easy once you work with them more. Most BBS colors are based on the E/E ground color which is extended black. There are only 5 possibilites for groundcolors and the others are wheaten, 2 partridges (asiatic and bankiva) and Birchen--none of which come into play with BBS. From there, your BASE color will be gold or silver with your BBS colors-- those would be either gold-- s+/s+ (males) s+/- (female) ....and silver S/S (males) and S/- (females). These can leak out and change your colors drastically or show up as a nuisance DQ when you're working with BBS. Here is the basic break down:

Blue X Blue= 50% Blue, 25% Black, 25% Splash
Blue X Black= 50% Blue, 50% Black
Blue X Splash= 50% Blue, 50% Splash
Black X Black= 100% Black
Splash X Splash= 100% Splash
Splash X Black= 100% Blue

It's important to know what your base color is-- either gold or silver. I'm working in Gold. But I've been reading that the BBS colors show up better in silver. At least with Blacks, they do. The easiest way to determine whether you are working in gold or silver is to check for leakage of any kind of that will show up as a reddish tint for Gold and of course, a dirty grey or white feathers for Silver.

ETA: oh-- I don't want to confuse you, but I was thinking that your ground color can be mixed and throw some crazy genetics at you-- it is possible to get a partridge pattern out of a BBS pen, but that is way, way down in the genetic lines and if you throw one, it's not going to be a common occurance. But don't be completely shocked if you do. Do you have any idea what lines your Marans are from? There is a marans breeder on our silkie thread and since the genetics are the same, she can easily switch to silkie BBS and know what she's doing. But she has said that knowing your blood lines will give you an idea of what could possibly come out for genetic flukes, so to speak. I know that it's possible for mine to throw a blue partridge (not an SOP color, but would be AOV) and not recognized, but there it is all the same. I have not thrown one, but won't be fainting over in shock if I do. LOL!!
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Not trying to bother anyone but did anyone have any information about the pheasant picture that I posted a few pages back I am still trying to find out any info on it and find it a new home I just do not really want a pheasant thanks for any and all help.

Here is the picture of my rescue pheasant can anyone tell me anything about it and if anyone can or knows anyone who would want it I would appreciate any help.
Unfortunately from what little I can see in the picture that looks like Ringneck pheasant. If you could post a close up of his head and neck area that would be more helpful. But judging from what little I can see that would be my guess. Put it on craigslist and you'll have a taker regardless.
Hey everyone! New to the BYC community, and was just referred to this thread after I posted about changing the chicken ordinance in Rose Hill. If anyone here is from Rose Hill, let me know, as I will be attending the city council meeting this Monday and requesting that the ordinance be reconsidered.
You go girl!

I hope you get a really nice Blue cock! So funny how we're going against the grain this year and wishing for boys! LOL Here I am crossing my fingers for a good couple of roosters. Yeah, even if you don't get rid of your Blue, he probably has enough faults to be replaced anyway. I think Catdance has some nice birds. BUT-- I have noticed that some of her boys turn out with red combs, so be aware of that. So fun you're going to get some of Danz's bantam polish-- they are just gorgeous from what I've seen of her photos. :)

I hope your SF is doing okay today? It's too bad he can't make up his mind of whether to get better or just die already. Go you on moving that pen and getting it all put together! Enjoy your granddaughter this weekend!

I'm not in Rosehill. I'm over on the west side of Mulvane. I hope you can get it changed! I think Derby needs an uprising of back yard chickener's too! They currently allow ONE chicken... yeah, right!!? Maybe you can get your neighbors to come with you. I think it's fantastic that you are wanting to dive right in! Keep checking back with us, because this is a wealth of info here for chicken facts and information.

Sooooo cute, Josie!! Those ducks are adorable! :)

I'm working with BBS colors too and they are really easy once you work with them more. Most BBS colors are based on the E/E ground color which is extended black. There are only 5 possibilites for groundcolors and the others are wheaten, 2 partridges (asiatic and bankiva) and Birchen--none of which come into play with BBS. From there, your BASE color will be gold or silver with your BBS colors-- those would be either gold-- s+/s+ (males) s+/- (female) ....and silver S/S (males) and S/- (females). These can leak out and change your colors drastically or show up as a nuisance DQ when you're working with BBS. Here is the basic break down:

Blue X Blue= 50% Blue, 25% Black, 25% Splash
Blue X Black= 50% Blue, 50% Black
Blue X Splash= 50% Blue, 50% Splash
Black X Black= 100% Black
Splash X Splash= 100% Splash
Splash X Black= 100% Blue

It's important to know what your base color is-- either gold or silver. I'm working in Gold. But I've been reading that the BBS colors show up better in silver. At least with Blacks, they do. The easiest way to determine whether you are working in gold or silver is to check for leakage of any kind of that will show up as a reddish tint for Gold and of course, a dirty grey or white feathers for Silver.

ETA: oh-- I don't want to confuse you, but I was thinking that your ground color can be mixed and throw some crazy genetics at you-- it is possible to get a partridge pattern out of a BBS pen, but that is way, way down in the genetic lines and if you throw one, it's not going to be a common occurance. But don't be completely shocked if you do. Do you have any idea what lines your Marans are from? There is a marans breeder on our silkie thread and since the genetics are the same, she can easily switch to silkie BBS and know what she's doing. But she has said that knowing your blood lines will give you an idea of what could possibly come out for genetic flukes, so to speak. I know that it's possible for mine to throw a blue partridge (not an SOP color, but would be AOV) and not recognized, but there it is all the same. I have not thrown one, but won't be fainting over in shock if I do. LOL!!

You know for a person who studied genetics some in college these chicken genetics just blow me away. Peafowl are even worse. Maybe I'm just old and the old brain doesn't work like it should.

Josie, No pips in the eggs yet. I'll be so disappointed if they don't hatch. The little burgers are kind of hard to hatch some times. What color is that chick you got from Jenn? It looks all black. I've hatched a couple of those from my white/blk chicks but actually gave them away for a prayer because I was told they weren't an accepted color. Or is it a dark blue? I had a couple hens that hatched black and they were gorgeous. I couldn't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to breed them.
I have a waiting list for little pullets so you are one lucky girl to get these chicks. (assuming they hatch) I really don't want to mess with trying to raise them right now with so many other projects going on any way. I'd rather work on them more this fall when it isn't so hot. I just wanted you to know you are special and I want to thank you and Tim for all your help in the past several months.
I have a hatcher full of chicks from the barnyard eggs I need to get moved out to the brooder house. One of my fans out there just quit for the second time. That chick dust is so hard on them.
My Anconas on the nest hatched 6 ducklings. I found one more pipped after they left the nest. I suspect that Cloud has been stealing eggs from them because we went from about 40 eggs down to maybe a dozen over the past month. I have been finding duck egg shells in the front yard. I'm going to have to kick her in the rear for that.
Trish has this GP been raised as a in town dog. She looked awfully clean? I may know someone who would really really like to have her if she has. I'll pass on the information if you let me know.
I noticed that Fluff has really lost weight. He has always been such a big dog but the heat is really taking it's toll on him. I think I may have to trim him down some. My dog clippers are in the storage building we rent and I doubt I could find them even if I looked for days, so we may do a quick sissor job which won't be pretty.
Unfortunately from what little I can see in the picture that looks like Ringneck pheasant. If you could post a close up of his head and neck area that would be more helpful. But judging from what little I can see that would be my guess. Put it on craigslist and you'll have a taker regardless.
You go girl!

My guess is the others just haven't learned how to yet. I have a whole group of them not much younger than that and none of them are buckwheating yet. You really should hae a 50/50 unless Shana got all the girls. Not much chance that could happen.

You know for a person who studied genetics some in college these chicken genetics just blow me away. Peafowl are even worse. Maybe I'm just old and the old brain doesn't work like it should.

Josie, No pips in the eggs yet. I'll be so disappointed if they don't hatch. The little burgers are kind of hard to hatch some times. What color is that chick you got from Jenn? It looks all black. I've hatched a couple of those from my white/blk chicks but actually gave them away for a prayer because I was told they weren't an accepted color. Or is it a dark blue? I had a couple hens that hatched black and they were gorgeous. I couldn't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to breed them.
I have a waiting list for little pullets so you are one lucky girl to get these chicks. (assuming they hatch) I really don't want to mess with trying to raise them right now with so many other projects going on any way. I'd rather work on them more this fall when it isn't so hot. I just wanted you to know you are special and I want to thank you and Tim for all your help in the past several months.
I have a hatcher full of chicks from the barnyard eggs I need to get moved out to the brooder house. One of my fans out there just quit for the second time. That chick dust is so hard on them.
My Anconas on the nest hatched 6 ducklings. I found one more pipped after they left the nest. I suspect that Cloud has been stealing eggs from them because we went from about 40 eggs down to maybe a dozen over the past month. I have been finding duck egg shells in the front yard. I'm going to have to kick her in the rear for that.
Trish has this GP been raised as a in town dog. She looked awfully clean? I may know someone who would really really like to have her if she has. I'll pass on the information if you let me know.
I noticed that Fluff has really lost weight. He has always been such a big dog but the heat is really taking it's toll on him. I think I may have to trim him down some. My dog clippers are in the storage building we rent and I doubt I could find them even if I looked for days, so we may do a quick sissor job which won't be pretty.
Yeah, these genetics can blow your mind. This is partly why I'm going to just stick with BBS colors for now. They seem the easiest by far. I would like to get Columbian and I was talking to a genetic guru about that color and he laid out the gene code for me and then gave me a bit of background. I was spinning for hours trying to figure it out. I have kept a file for all of his advice and tips (he is in Belgium) and Sigrid Van Dort (that wrote Color Genetics) is his neighbor and they have worked on many color programs together. There is a wealth of information here if you can get it straight in your head! LOL I think the Columbian project may be a few years down the road for me when I really get this genetics thing down pat. But I think I like that color even more than the BBS-- except that it's not an approved color and is still several generations from breeding true and being accepted. Poor Fluff! Hope he feels better with a cut. Is Cloud eating hatching eggs that are in nests?? That's kind of sad.

This is like a website inside a website. Its goign to take me a whole day to read all this
--- glad to have you here!! No need to read back thru all of this particular thread. If there is anything you need to know right now, just ask. And if you are interested in anything, this group is pretty informative! Do you have chickens yet or are you researching it right now? Just jump right on in! :)
Danz-- were you saying that you sometimes get all black polish?? I think it would be tempting to breed and all black to another all black and see if it breeds true or if it reverts back to WCB. If it were to breed true, that would be super cool!! I swear I have seen an all black Polish some where. As far as I know, that is not included in the SOP... but I'd have to hunt and see if that is really the case!

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