Consolidated Kansas

We lived in Shreveport in the late 60's early 70's for a year when my (now ex) husband was in the Airforce. I don't recall the restaurant there that had it. Then when we moved back home, they had it at a buffet in Topeka (again, too long ago, I don't remember the name) that was a true cafeteria (you picked your food and paid for what you chose).

When I get back home, I'm going to try that recipe.

Sharol, all this talk about Chess Pie, we moved to Kansas from New Orleans when I was 10 and I've never had it, or at least I don't think I have. Now I'm just curious. Where did you live down there?
Checoukan, surely Ivy will have to have chickens again. I can't imagine her being without them. Any news on the job she applied for??
Hawkeye just saw the pic of your Christmas lights. How cute! After you mentioned putting those up I told DH I was going to string lights around all the pens and buildings. He just gave me a look and didn't say a word. He didn't have to. I know that look. It mean, "I know you'll do what you want but maybe if I keep my mouth shut you'll forget about it! " I was just kidding but it would be a blast.
He just ordered the booster for the cell phones and internet. If it doesn't help we have 30 days to return it. If it does I will be one very happy person.
I am sure glad I do have a septic tank rather than a lagoon. I think I will have to replace the pipe from the house to the tank though. I wish it weren't such a long stretch. My BIL was saying the other day they were going to pump water to keep theirs from freezing and several people were already desperate to do so. I guess there all problems with every system. Even when I lived in town I had to excavate and replace a section of sewer pipe because they did some gas tests and found that where mine hooked to the city clean out it was leaking some gas. Of course it was probably a century old too, so not unexpected.
Oh, hawkeye, you silly goose, just take them to Hutch, you should be able to give them away there, hey, you might even get a couple dollars for them, there always seems to be someone looking for something cheep.
I was hunting deer, but it was a rough weekend to hunt. Heavy winds Saturday, then heavy rain sunday morning, and then falling temps, and wind sunday after noon. BRRRR still chill thinking about it. No did not get anything, but almost got a big doe with my bus this morning. Silly thing.

I need to bathe, but it is so cold out right now, may wait. Could bring them into the garage to wash and dry. I would be warmer in there. It was close to 60 in there awhile ago. Might work, sure will have to watch for colds thou.

Who was it that said they make dog treats? I would be interested in some, PM me and let me know, I would like to try some for Issiac.

Well Ivy brought me a present when they came down Friday. A pair of black ameraucanas. I have two lavenders cock birds. I had one black pullet, but he last possum got her. So she brought me a hen and a young cockerel. The hen I thought she said was from John Blem. She raised the cockerel. With the move and everything Ivy has just about sold or lost most of her birds. I don't thnk she will get back in to breeding like she was. Said she was just going to keep some layers and that was it. There is a small coop at the new house, she likes it, and since she is so busy, I think she has lost interest in the chickens. With Ivy who knows, she might get settled in, and get right back to raising birds.

Well, guess I had better read my other threads and get busy the day marches on.
Hmm.. you're right!! I should totally bring them to the show and see if someone will want a couple of cute little cockerels. I'm going to start washing on Wednesday and do them all inside. I just drag the dog kennels in the house with their shavings and after their bath, throw them in with a space heater blowing on them. Takes a few hours, but they get dry. I need a better set up than that,though. Very thankful I have wood floors that I can just sweep up after all of that! Congrats on the black pair! They sound really nice. I hope she won't get out of it entirely. She may need to really be realxed in the new home and have some time to think it thru. Right now, it's probably too overwhelming to think about for her, so I don't blame her.

Well as of early this morning there is one less owl hanging around the farm. I would like to relax my security but I'm afraid there are more of them out there. Maybe if they can't get these easy prey birds they will start removing some of these God awful mice around here. I think they just learn to go for the easiest prey. Thank heavens I can still let my birds roam in the day time. The one this morning however was hunting after it got light. I do wish I could somehow drive the rodents out to the fields. I really get tired of baiting traps and I am tired of doing it all the time.
I haven't gotten my heated waterers set up yet. Everything was hard frozen today. I guess I'll have to bundle up and run some extension cords. Dang it.
Well, congrats on the less-a-predator! That just wasn't very smart to be hunting in the day light! Dumb bird. BEAUTIFUL birds you are talking about!!! WOW!!! They make me want one!! (or two or three....) I don't need another project, but those are stunning! I hope you are able to hatch out TONS of them as soon as she starts laying! Good luck to you!!

I posted this on my Silkie facebook page, but figured I'd share here. Remember I said I had put up lights on my chicken coop? Well, I tried taking pictures before and they came out too bright, too dark, or whatever. Last night, I went out several times to take pictures and finally hit upon the right lighting, I think. I already deleted out the too light ones-- where you can't even see the lights are on. I love seeing the lights in the backyard. All the neighbor kids have come over to look at it and think it's pretty cool too. Of course, my kids think we're awesome for having lights up on the CHICKEN coop! LOL Anyway, this has brightened up my nights and putting me in the holiday mood. Last year, I wasn't feeling it, and this year, I figured I really needed to get on the ball. There are a couple of barred rocks that got up high on the roost to look out at me. They knew I was out there and were talking to me.

No answer on my hens today.
One of the neighbors is protesting and saying they will take legal action if I pursue, claiming I will be in violation of our HOA regulations so I had to continue the meeting to December. I have been talking with our HOA president since early on and she was unaware of any chicken restrictions for our hoa and her copy of the declaration of restrictions has been missing. Someone found it and sent it to the city in opposition of my wanting hens. Does any one know for sure if the declaration of restrictions is the same as the deeds and covenants. The wording is strange, but our HOA is optional so some of the rules are set by the developer and must be followed and some are only required to be followed by members. I don't think I can attach a copy of the document. I think it looks like I am not going to be allowed to keep hens though.
No answer on my hens today.
One of the neighbors is protesting and saying they will take legal action if I pursue, claiming I will be in violation of our HOA regulations so I had to continue the meeting to December. I have been talking with our HOA president since early on and she was unaware of any chicken restrictions for our hoa and her copy of the declaration of restrictions has been missing. Someone found it and sent it to the city in opposition of my wanting hens. Does any one know for sure if the declaration of restrictions is the same as the deeds and covenants. The wording is strange, but our HOA is optional so some of the rules are set by the developer and must be followed and some are only required to be followed by members. I don't think I can attach a copy of the document. I think it looks like I am not going to be allowed to keep hens though.
I have done a lot of work on HOA's and depending on the additions (addendums) that have been made since the original covenant, you never know. The only way a covenant can be changed is with (depending on your set up) by 85%-90% percent vote in favor for an addendum. If they have been changed, that will show up in records at the court house. So you can go down there and ask for a copy for your real estate Addition. If there have been no changes on the original set of covenants, then that copy will be at records as most recent (whenever the homes were built). HOA's supersede city law for personal rights on your own property. Had you NOT lived in a housing development that has a set of HOA's for a guideline for living in your home, then you would only be at the mercy of the city ordinance for property rights. Your neighbor can NOT sue you unless you have chickens that would be in violation in DIRECT conflict of what is written in your HOA covenants. If your covenants do NOT list poultry as a restriction, then you can have them so long as your city ordinance allows them. And if they want to sue you, they can waste their money fighting the city ruling. Hope that helps. I've spent quite a bit of time working with a lawyer on covenants, but not with poultry in particular. We were setting up codes for housing. Covenants are not the end-all. If you can get signatures to over turn a bylaw in your covenant, you can change the rules.

Just wanted to add that they will likely charge you $10-15 for a copy of your covenants. They are Public Record, so they are available to everyone. But for someone to get off their butt, find the covenants, and go make a copy of it, they are going to charge you. I would still do it, and just a few weeks ago, I was down in records for another matter having a copy made for my personal records. Then you can always refer to them. Your realtor who sold you the house should have given you a copy of the covenants when you bought your house. They are available to EVERYONE.
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Liston I love you all. I have this dambed dial up and it takes for ever to do any thing. My heart is really strugeling with maiden wolf MO sorry dont have a quote to post to. Gosh yesterday Church; Northeren Uganda, intercity KCMO homeless, and those we know in trouble. Really sole searching. Madenwolf you are in my thoughts and prayers. If you were close I have access to resources that would make life beter. It takes a commuinity to raise a child and it takes a commuinty to save a faimly. America its self is struggeling and you are an example of what we all witness.If we were close I would empty my freezer for you and find something in my house for you. I dry all my clothes on a line. In the summer its on a line outside and in the winter its in the basement. It pays! Statistics say .50$ a load. Or you can consider one wheel barro of coal for every load of laundry. Sunshine is free. Humidity is needed in the winter to hold heat.
I dry all my clothes on a line. In the summer its on a line outside and in the winter its in the basement. It pays! Statistics say .50$ a load. Or you can consider one wheel barro of coal for every load of laundry. Sunshine is free. Humidity is needed in the winter to hold heat.
Thanks! How is your silly broody silkie?
Fingers crossed for ya girlie!!!!

Yeah, it was a real bummer that we forgot to load up the rest. SO GLAD that the jeans are working out, though. And just wait, if any of them are a bit too big right now... they won't be in a few more months! And you'll appreciate the extra room in the hips on those other jeans when your belly grows and your hips spread out when baby moves down and settles. SO funny that you used your tow hitch like that. Don't think I would have thought of that. I'm so grateful for a tractor that works every time I need it and that has a hay pick on it. Glad that your mille fleur came back.
Yeah, they are super comfy. It is soooo nice. I tried one pair on and it was a bit loose (sliding down, DH said I looked like a gangster!) and I told him give it a month and they would probably fit!
So many cute clothes in there too, you are a lifesaver because I am not a shopper by any means so who knows what kind of fashion disaster I would be!
I was terrified to use the new car but we needed to move a bale and I didn't really want to go bother a neighbor. Hopefully at the new place my FIL will loan us his older tractor and we can get a bale spike for it! I am still so happy this foolish little hen is ok. I don't know where she went but I have lost so many birds this fall and I just thought she was a goner for sure.

I hate having the farrier over in the winter. Just because I hate standing out there freezing my bootie off. The up side is that their feet don't grow at fast when it's that cold, so at least it's not our regular schedule. We go every 6-8 weeks here. But in the winter, we cut that back, because they just don't grow. They are busy putting on thick coats and using energy to keep warm. This is the time I start to increase their feed a bit and put their coats on if it's going to be wet and miserable. So long as it's dry, they do pretty good. Good luck on the offer!

Yeah, It is funny because I was standing there shaking in my cover alls and wool socks and the trimmer is peeling off her sweatshirt! Difference between working and not! I can't cut back on my mustang because he grows granite hoof year round like its going out of style. I guess the mustang way of life does not allow you to stop growing hoof. I imagine traveling 20-25 miles per day on hard, rock filled soil just does not forgive slow growing feet so he grows foot like nothing I have ever seen and he does not chip, ever. They just grow and grow. His feet were so long because I got sick being pregnant and then couldn't get anyone to show up to trim for me! It was super frustrating so very glad to find this lady who did a really nice job, was good with the horses (can't stand the "If he kicks me, I'll kick him back" attitude from some of the men I have had out) and showed up on time and worked efficiently! Anyone who gets along with Denver is a friend in my book. I have always had quarter horses and you can make a QH do whatever you want but you don't make a mustang do anything unless you want to start world war III. It has to be "their" idea to do A instead of B. We us a lot of reverse psychology and it is easier to do what I ask of you and if you don't there will be work involved that you won't enjoy. My mom says if Denver has prepared me for having children. She told me if I can get a blanket on my hard headed mustang then kids will be a piece of cake!

So sorry about your birds. Sheesh this is getting crazy with the predators!! We proof our pens for everything else and don't give much thought to hawks and owls.

I'm going to have to start washing birds this week. The show is this weekend, so here we go again!!! Going to try to get my last nice boy sold there at the show. I have two other cockerels that are pet quality that I need to get rid of. If anyone wants a couple of nice pet quality silkie boys, they are free. They get along with each other and like each other. They do spar with each other for fun, but then they will sit down and snuggle into each other. They pal around, too. I hope I can give them away together so they can continue to be friends.
So excited for your show! I wish I could go, must be more organized next fall with the geese!

Oh, hawkeye, you silly goose, just take them to Hutch, you should be able to give them away there, hey, you might even get a couple dollars for them, there always seems to be someone looking for something cheep.
I was hunting deer, but it was a rough weekend to hunt. Heavy winds Saturday, then heavy rain sunday morning, and then falling temps, and wind sunday after noon. BRRRR still chill thinking about it. No did not get anything, but almost got a big doe with my bus this morning. Silly thing.
They are all over the roads right now! I almost hit a big buck the other day on 169. Thank heavens he turned back at the last minute.

I need to bathe, but it is so cold out right now, may wait. Could bring them into the garage to wash and dry. I would be warmer in there. It was close to 60 in there awhile ago. Might work, sure will have to watch for colds thou.

Who was it that said they make dog treats? I would be interested in some, PM me and let me know, I would like to try some for Issiac.

Well Ivy brought me a present when they came down Friday. A pair of black ameraucanas. I have two lavenders cock birds. I had one black pullet, but he last possum got her. So she brought me a hen and a young cockerel. The hen I thought she said was from John Blem. She raised the cockerel. With the move and everything Ivy has just about sold or lost most of her birds. I don't thnk she will get back in to breeding like she was. Said she was just going to keep some layers and that was it. There is a small coop at the new house, she likes it, and since she is so busy, I think she has lost interest in the chickens. With Ivy who knows, she might get settled in, and get right back to raising birds.
Oh how fun, I love ameraucanas! I hope she gets back into it, she had some pretty nice birds.

Well, guess I had better read my other threads and get busy the day marches on.

I bought my large capacity washer and dryer combo at a used appliance store last year it is Briens appliances in Grandview mo they have great prices,this one is a new model top loader GE Eterna. I really like it. They lots of other kinds to but they have a good warranty which cost nothing 3 yr, 1st yr you pay nothing for repair, 2nd year pay for part only and 3rd year parts and labor.

Mommahen- the chicory is best and less bitter when younger but you can harvest any time of the year that it grows. I lay mine out or hang them in the sun if you lay them out make sure to turn them every few days. You can also use a dehydrator I suppose but i like to dry mine in the sun. After they are dry enough to break then roast them tillthey turn dark but not burnt on a very low setting and keep a close eye on it some of the smaller thinner roots will not take as much time. Then grind. Everyone likes a different ratio to the coffee, I use a single cup coffee press so I coarse grind mine and put 1/2 - 1 tsp of the root in there. Yes it is very bitter but it goes well with the coffee.

Sapphire- sorry about your loss

Hawkeye- When I first made mine everyone was kind of not sure but it is like any other new experience you never know if you will like it. You could always do just a couple for yourself, there are tons of other recipes using the flower if you google search it. The taste when fried is like a mild mushroomy taste, like a morel, but very lightly. When my kids see someones yard full of them they say man I wish that were our yard lol. My daughter just doesnt understand why people want to kill them out of their yards so bad she says "dont they know that is food?" I love it and I teach my kids other wild edibles so they can see how an everyday weed can be food and how to look for it. Turkeys did fine they dried off and went back to fighting badly. I have had to shut them in the hawk shelter at night and cover the entrance with plywood so they would stay and not go on the roof.. Goodness they are like a 2 year old at bedtime lol. We are going to turn the hawk shelter into a pen for them so they are safe and warmer at night.
Maidenwolf- I am sorry, we didn't get to the cockerels this weekend but I will get to them next weekend. Everything took twice as long as it should have and Sunday was just too darn cold to be dunking and plucking wet birds!
So cute! I just love that coop, you have the cutest chicken set up and I love lights on the coop, so festive! Did you ever do anything with that polish and her curled beak? I was wondering about that the other day.
I posted this on my Silkie facebook page, but figured I'd share here. Remember I said I had put up lights on my chicken coop? Well, I tried taking pictures before and they came out too bright, too dark, or whatever. Last night, I went out several times to take pictures and finally hit upon the right lighting, I think. I already deleted out the too light ones-- where you can't even see the lights are on. I love seeing the lights in the backyard. All the neighbor kids have come over to look at it and think it's pretty cool too. Of course, my kids think we're awesome for having lights up on the CHICKEN coop! LOL Anyway, this has brightened up my nights and putting me in the holiday mood. Last year, I wasn't feeling it, and this year, I figured I really needed to get on the ball. There are a couple of barred rocks that got up high on the roost to look out at me. They knew I was out there and were talking to me.

Bummer, well stick it out and maybe something will give. There is always one party pooper in the bunch. When I lived in Wichita the neighborhood managed a colony of feral cats and we had one neighbor who griped and complained about the cats pooping on his lawn. We tried to explain to him that if we removed the cats more would just move it (a phenomenon that has been well documented called the vacuum effect) Well much to my chagrin he started trapping our cats and taking them to the Wichita Animal Shelter where they were promptly euthanised because they were feral. After 8 months of this he finally came over and conceded that it was like trying to get rid of squirrels on his bird feeders. What he had done was remove all our neutered cats and had filled the neighborhood with intact cats who were now spraying his house and yard and fighting!! And there were kittens everywhere. SO we got back to trapping again and he left them alone after that! Maybe this person just needs some time to get on board.
No answer on my hens today.
One of the neighbors is protesting and saying they will take legal action if I pursue, claiming I will be in violation of our HOA regulations so I had to continue the meeting to December. I have been talking with our HOA president since early on and she was unaware of any chicken restrictions for our hoa and her copy of the declaration of restrictions has been missing. Someone found it and sent it to the city in opposition of my wanting hens. Does any one know for sure if the declaration of restrictions is the same as the deeds and covenants. The wording is strange, but our HOA is optional so some of the rules are set by the developer and must be followed and some are only required to be followed by members. I don't think I can attach a copy of the document. I think it looks like I am not going to be allowed to keep hens though.
Ok, I really need to get a move on! It is actually not too bad out right now so I need to go finish getting an extension cord run to the pea chicks and then start working on sorting boxes in the garage so we don't have to move a bunch of stuff we don't use! My DH cracks me up. He soooo wants to get rid of things and we moved way too much stuff the last time we moved and it is ridiculous. Well I agree with him but then we start going through stuff and he doesn't want to part with anything!!! I guess if he isn't here then he won't know.
FYI for those of you that know Candace and wish to attend or just enter a raffle or donate. It has been 2 weeks since Candace lost her son - I know this continues, and will continue, to hurt more deeply than any of else will ever know.

Liston I love you all. I have this dambed dial up and it takes for ever to do any thing. My heart is really strugeling with maiden wolf MO sorry dont have a quote to post to. Gosh yesterday Church; Northeren Uganda, intercity KCMO homeless, and those we know in trouble. Really sole searching. Madenwolf you are in my thoughts and prayers. If you were close I have access to resources that would make life beter. It takes a commuinity to raise a child and it takes a commuinty to save a faimly. America its self is struggeling and you are an example of what we all witness.If we were close I would empty my freezer for you and find something in my house for you. I dry all my clothes on a line. In the summer its on a line outside and in the winter its in the basement. It pays! Statistics say .50$ a load. Or you can consider one wheel barro of coal for every load of laundry. Sunshine is free. Humidity is needed in the winter to hold heat.
Thank you so much for the prayers and wonderful giving heart. The advice on here and support everyone is giving me is holding me together and making me feel stronger to face this. That alone is priceless, it wont put food on the table but if I am down and depressed I wont be able to find ways to put food on the table. thank you all, you are very valuable friends

Josie-- no worries, I know it was super cold.

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