Consolidated Kansas

Sounds right to me Heather. I need to find the ACV with the mother. So far I haven't located it around here close. I hate driving to find what I need. I do use the other ACV and it has some great properties on it's own. I keep a jug in the brooder house and put it in their water every now and then. Seems to give the babies a boost.
That's an excellent idea about using cat pans to sprout grain, KP. I've not done that but I like giving the birds treats. I could try some of this bird seed and see what I could grow off of it. I just couldn't figure out where and how I would grow it and how to keep it from getting moldy. Now I know. I have a grow light in my basement and I could set up the cat pans down there.
I use pairs of cat litter pans, drilled small holes in the top one, put the grain in it, at first I soak the grain for a few hours, then the following days it's more of a rinse the grain once or twice a day and let it drain into the pan under it to help avoid mold.
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Sounds right to me Heather. I need to find the ACV with the mother. So far I haven't located it around here close. I hate driving to find what I need. I do use the other ACV and it has some great properties on it's own. I keep a jug in the brooder house and put it in their water every now and then. Seems to give the babies a boost.
That's an excellent idea about using cat pans to sprout grain, KP. I've not done that but I like giving the birds treats. I could try some of this bird seed and see what I could grow off of it. I just couldn't figure out where and how I would grow it and how to keep it from getting moldy. Now I know. I have a grow light in my basement and I could set up the cat pans down there.

The Walmart here in Lawrence has Heinz ACV with the mother in it a lot cheaper than Braggs.
Well, my old house is sold.
No, its a good thing really. I got the offer within 2 weeks of putting it on the market and the whole transaction went about as smoothly as you could hope. I don't regret our move and I'm happy to be where we are now. But....its the emotional pull of the thing that gets me. I built that house as a single mum and when I moved in, I swore that was it - I was there for life. But life has a habit of following its own path we are now. I went over this morning, prior to closing, to walk around one last time and say goodbye. It was tough but its time to look ahead to the future now.

Bittersweet. It might have been easier if it had taken longer to sell; you'd have had more time to get used to it or even wonder when the heck is it finally going to sell!

That looks like a bird house up side down. Kind of cute! Reminds me of some of the designs they used to do on Trading Spaces. I loved that show. My perfect Saturday night was staying home and watching Trading Spaces.

I loved that show, too. I watched it regularly, along with all the decorating shows on HGTV (which now seems to be only about buying houses).
Well, my old house is sold.
No, its a good thing really. I got the offer within 2 weeks of putting it on the market and the whole transaction went about as smoothly as you could hope. I don't regret our move and I'm happy to be where we are now. But....its the emotional pull of the thing that gets me. I built that house as a single mum and when I moved in, I swore that was it - I was there for life. But life has a habit of following its own path we are now. I went over this morning, prior to closing, to walk around one last time and say goodbye. It was tough but its time to look ahead to the future now.

The fermented feed really is a hit but my birds have always enjoyed mash and I guess that is really what this is. They certainly all dive in and there is lots of squabbling. I need to find another bowl or two to put it in so there is room for everyone. I decided to follow Karen's advice and did not drill drain holes in my bucket. This morning I stopped by Walmart and bought a set of cheap strainers and that worked pretty well. I just dished out a couple of cups, left it in the strainer for a minute to drain out the bulk of the water and then dumped it in the bowl and served.
Awww, I'm sorry! I'm glad that it sold so quickly though! But yeah, it's the end of a good chapter. Glad you got one last look through it.

I have it set up in the feed-room of my coop which is definitely NOT heated. What I gathered from Karen's post is that it takes from 6-24 hours depending on whether or not it is in a heated area so I just figured this time of year it would go closer to the 24-hour time frame. However that said, even after only 3-4 hours, I could smell it starting to ferment.

I bought a gallon of the cheap Walmart ACV today, per Karen's recommendation. I poured off a cup of the cheap ACV, then poured a cup of the Bragg's ACV into the gallon and then wondered what to do with the cup of cheap ACV. Then I felt really dumb!!! If one cup of ACV can grow the mother in a whole gallon of ACV, then adding the cup of cheap ACV back into the Braggs would surely allow the mother to grow in it too, right? (Please tell me I'm right.) So that's what I did and I hope I didn't just ruin the rest of the bottle of Braggs.
I'm finding it very interesting about this feed thing. But probably don't want to do this with winter bearing down on us. I'm all about the easy. (or the warm)
Anyway, I think your pouring the ACV into the Braggs was totally fine, it should work both ways. And I wouldn't have wanted to waste it either.

The Walmart here in Lawrence has Heinz ACV with the mother in it a lot cheaper than Braggs.
I've looked for it in our Walmart with no luck, but that is really good news that yours carries it, I wonder if ours will eventually.

You can hear my roosters clear across town... I know, because I'm clear across town from my roosters and I can hear them! lol I've asked my neighbors if the sound bothers them and so far all of them have said, "No... actually, it's kind of nice", usually with a surprised look on their they never thought they'd enjoy the sound of a rooster crowing.

It reminds me of being a kid and visiting my grandparents' farm, actually.
Funny! I'm pretty sure my roosters can be heard a mile away, I have 8 of them right now crowing all day long. I think silkies like to hear themselves crow, because mine are non stop! Plus, the neighbors roosters crow back, so it's dueling crowing back and forth ALL day long!
Fortunately pretty much everyone down here loves chickens, so I don't think it's a problem.


This wouldn't go with our home decor, our home is like a big man cave, but I thought it was creative and cute. I could see this in one of those fancy coops too!

Edited to give credit for this picture:
LOVE THIS!!!!!!! Thanks for posting this! I wouldn't know where to put something like that, but it's AWESOME! I can picture it in a Hearth room. I'll remember this! Maybe I should even Pin it! LOL (love pinterest!) Actually... going to go Pin it right now....

Well got to get busy, been catching up on the thread. Have to go give the birds a bath that are going to Hutch Saturday. Going to offer some for sale up there, as I am finished with them, and I have summer hatch birds to get ready for the spring show, So. Hope everyone is enjoying he day, it is just wonderful out, I have some of the rosecombs out in the sun shine, oh, do they like that!!

Maidenwolf, I do want to order some dog treat, bisquits from you, will try to get together with you next week, as I am not going to be around the computer much.
Danz, did you get rid of the predator that was flying in?
hawkeye, I will see you saturday. I think I will leave like 3 in the morning to get to Hutch on time. EEEKKK, I get up early but not that early!
Josie, take it easy, things will start to level out. Gotta take care of your little peanut!
Oh goodness, can't remember who all been talking about what, but
to all, watch out for the deer.
Oh yeah, I hope to post some pictures of the legbars as they grow. Plan on posting pictures Sunday, if all falls in place.
Looking forward to seeing you this Saturday!!! I'll be in Silkies!
Hope your birds do really well!
Well internet is down till next week so I have to try and read this from my phone.
I got 2 turkey a great home so hopefully it reduces fighting.
Checoukan-just pm me when your ready and we can discuss what kind you want and how much
Chickies-duckies, congrats on the chicks pipping!!! yay!

Danz, is it that your wild chickens aren't accessible? Can you sneak up on them after dark?

Isn't cock fighting illegal everywhere? Thanks Sharol, I see you say it is. So if tethering a rooster to a small shelter is what they do for fighting birds then shouldn't it be obvious who to investigate if people are seeing this in places? I'm laughing about the rooster crowing in the middle of the night. I don't mind the sound of the rooster and my own roosters won't wake me. So, why aren't trains banned? I mean, they're loud too. I'm just joking but really you can get used to whatever noise you want to or need to. Even a barking dog can be annoying, yet we learn to ignore it. I like hearing them, even my neighbor's rooster makes me smile when I hear him and I can't even see their property. Does tethering the rooster make him mean? Is tethering only done to roosters intended for fighting? I don't get how if it's illegal how they are allowed to continue to do it.

Prairie Chickens, that's really scary. There are some real creeps out there. I checked out your website on your profile, your little animals are adorable. I still don't like putting my name out online. I don't know if anyone has even noticed, but when I'm typing on the forum I always use usernames instead of real names even if I know them. I had an online friend do something bad and then she stalked me for a while, so I don't put my name on. I know I've relaxed more lately, maybe I shouldn't, but I do feel safe here.

chickies-duckies-etc wrote:
May I suggest, instead of proposing banning roos from the beginning, leave that as an option if "the noise factor" is one of the contributing factors to leave the ban? I don't remember for sure, but I think Emporia has a "noise" clause anyway. If so, a bothersome roo could be handled with that and a quiet, one that is not bothering anyone could be kept legally. Something to think about?

I just wanted to say that I like that. Not that it affects me, we don't live there anymore. Are you saying Dolly Madison may be closing too?????

Mikesfarmer, I wish I knew the answer but I hope that someone with more experience answers because that is good information.

Kansas Prairie, that's a beautiful light. AMAZING!!!

Get some rest checoukan, that's way too early.

HEChicken, so then what is the difference in the feed consumption between the production and heritage? Will the heritage bird consume less because they are laying less? I'm sorry you are torn about selling your house. That's hard stuff. I still drive by our old house and I still say I wish we had just moved the house out here. Somehow, we get attached to things. Maybe it's the good memories that make it hard. I want to try the fermented feed, and I also want to try making ACV and there isn't a natural one available here. I also want to try doing meal worms, hmmmm, I have a list and I'm not getting to it all. I will get there. It's nice to hear your good report though, that's motivating.

That's a good question about the heat/fermenting Kansas Prairie. I'm curious too but it does seem logical that you need a warm temp to ferment. So I guess it will still ferment, but it takes longer in the cooler weather. I like the sprouting idea too. I've never done that.

Yep HEChicken, I'm with Danz. That has to be right about the ACV. I need some too. Can anyone spare a cup? :)

Maybe I could use dishtubs for sprouting, I have several of those and 5 gallon bucket of wheat. Thanks for the info mustng67. I will check our Walmart again.

Well, I had the most amazing day. I got to meet 2 of our friends on here in just 1 day. I'm all worn out from all of the running around but it was well worth it. I got a beautiful sparkly clean lavender orp roo from Josie and 2 amazing gorgeous turkeys from maidenwolf. It was so wonderful to meet you both and put a face with a name.

My dh is thinking about getting me some lavender orp pullets, he saw some for sale on the OK line for $20 each. I am discouraging him from doing it. I'm anxious and excited and I want to do it, but at the same time, if I were going to do it I'd rather buy them from someone I know. Especially since I don't know enough about breeds and standards or anything to know if I'm getting a good deal or not. Besides that, I think I will enjoy seeing and learning how the color emerges from the buff orp /lavender roo. Getting lavender pullets, I think I'll feel like I'm just taking over where someone else left off, which isn't bad I know. Already having a lavender roo feels like starting half way there, and a good place to start and learn. I want to see how the color happens and changes. That sounds fun to me. Right now, he's safely tucked into his own pen and he looks so beautiful laying in the hay. I'm not sure where I'm going to put him until he's old enough to have his own girls. I will work on that tomorrow, we have a few options. The girls want to name him Toby, I joked they could name him Toby Tinkle Toes because he pooped on my dd's foot. :)

These turkeys, they're amazing. I've never seen a real turkey before, of course I've seen them at the store and I've seen wild ones at a distance. They're so exciting. They're so neat. The dog is a little curious of them and he barked once loudly and the turkeys just looked at him and went, gobble gobble gobble together right at him. Then the dog just sat down beside me. I was cracking up, my kids think I've totally lost it. They're so fun and FUNNY. I went into this feeling hesitant, thinking that we could keep just a pair so that we can raise just enough for a couple of special meals per year. Here I have 2 boys and they're so cool. Maidenwolf, I know you said you didn't care if the one was dinner but I could see how much you love him and that's going to make that harder for me to do it(or let my dh/boys do it). I think what I'm going to do first is take a bit to get to know them, if the one is still being a naughty boy we will go forward with the dinner plans. If he's good and we still feel like we only have room for 1 turkey, I will ask my neighbor, I think he would jump on it. So, I guess his fate is up to him. The kids all went into the pen already, both were gentle with the kids even after such a long trip home.

Yesterday I added a sponge to the incubator, I wanted to raise the humidity a bit at a time. Last time I used rags but when I actually checked the humidity it was at 90%. I think that was when the furnace was broken too. So I have the sponge in there and I'm adding water without opening it and it's at 47%. I'm just going to keep adding water now becuase I don't want to open it. I didn't expect them to hatch until Saturday. This morning, the one that pipped last night hatched. I was so excited and freaked out. It is so early. Luckily, Josie kept me on track. I was going to take it out thinking that it's going to be a while before the others pip. Well, not long after that another pipped, now there are 5 pipped and just over 20 in there. I already pulled out the ones that didn't develop or stopped developing which was still a lot of eggs. There were probably about 35 eggs in there to begin with, I threw out a lot because they didn't develop at all. I just threw out 3 more that stopped developing just a few days ago. We actually taped the incubator shut to keep everyone from opening it. I hope to see more chicks by morning.

I still call my nightly check on everyone the 'chick check', although I'm checking on all of the animals. Tonight, my EEs put themselves to bed for the first time. That makes me happy. They may be able to stay outside all winter if they go to bed then they have enough sense to get out of the cold and know how to get out of the cold. They will be 5 weeks this weekend and they are quite big compared to the ones I hatched that are just a week younger. The EEs are getting hard to pick up with 1 hand, their feathers are full too whereas the ones I hatched still have some fuzzy spots. The turkeys were still in their pen, although on top of their shelter. We will build them a roost tomorrow. Toby Tinkle Toes(temp name), he was snuggled in the hay and looked like I was bothering him so I left him alone, chicks in the brooder were happy, and 1 pig was out. Make for a fun little run. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. I hope it's nice out tomorrow, I'd like to get some pics of our new birds.

Thanks again ladies for my new birds. I appreciate it. G'night ya'll.
Last night there were 4 fuzzy chicks, 1 piped egg and 2 still not piped. I goofed and accidentally put my thumb through the shell of one of the unpiped eggs. Uggg Long story short, it is a fuzzy little black chick, resting in a fuzzy hat on top of the cat this morning. I will tackle the wild child hen in a bit to check on the others and put this chick back in with them. They are so tiny.

mammahen ~ as of this morning, the bakery in going into the liquidation procedngs, so it does look like the "Dolly Madison" plant is closing. Hard to believe, huh? If they liquidate, that will close ALL of the Hostess plants across the country. No more Hostess cakes. Still lots of talk about it and speculation about the outcome.

Enjoy those turkeys, they are so "Kooool". I have wished many times I still had mine.

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