Consolidated Kansas

I am sure I will be a disaster for a while! I have read several books on breast feeding so I am hoping that will help but I am sure it will still be a mess! DH is already planning to cook and freeze meals so I won't have to worry about that and he should be home for at least the first week so he can take care of the crew if I am too wiped to drag myself out there. I have read time and time again, when the baby sleeps you sleep. SO that will be my mantra.

I've had 4 friends call me from the hospital, 2 first time moms, one first time dad called for his wife & 1 mom with her 3rd child, they couldn't nurse. I told them to kick all of their visitors out of the room & turn on the tv, watch something or stare out the window and get their mind on something other than nursing, relaxing is the key and.... and it worked for 3 of them, one couldn't get it and it was her 3rd child, I told her she was a pro she should call the pediatrician, turned out her baby was tongue tied and after they cut that little piece under the tongue that baby nursed. I'm sure you're better prepared than I was back in the late 80's, the only book I could find was What to expect when your expecting, it was very helpful but about the only thing to read. This was back when they didn't often show pg. ladies below the neck on TV shows, information wasn't easy to find. I missed the part that said I should sleep in my bra so I woke up in a milk soaked hospital bed. After my milk came in, my bras were too small, thankfully a family member got me some bigger bras. It's great that you DH is excited and willing to help! I think my DH will be better with the grand kids someday than he was with our children. My DH was always excited about the "nesting phase", that's what they called it back then, everything, I mean everything was in order, organized and immaculately clean.

Sounds like your first husband wasn't easy to live with! Glad you are happier now!
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Most of you know that I have a Kansas Farm Swap site on Facebook. Sunflowerparrot has been co-admin with me for awhile since Shotah has been offline due to computer issues for quite some time. Anyway, we had a big blowup yesterday & last night over someone being asked to provide a price for their goats on their ad. Do you all think it's unreasonable to ask someone to give a price & location in their ad for what they're selling? Honestly I don't think that rule is unreasonable & avoids a lot of un-necessary questions on the page. I also think if it's that big of a secret about how much their goats are that I certainly wouldn't want to buy one. All of the other swap sites that I'm on have similar rules. This person just blew up at Sunflowerparrot because she said that her goats provide a paycheck & that nobody else would like to reveal the amount of their paycheck to everyone. I just don't see it that way at all. They're selling an animal & I think they should be able to give a price for that animal. We had a friend of that person write a big inflammatory letter to all of our members last night basically flaming Sunflowerparrot, which of course was deleted & the person was removed from the site for it. What do you all think?
It's not out of line to ask for a location and price. If you are going to take the time to monitor the site you should be able to post some rules to make the swap run smoother, if they don't like the rules they don't have to use it! Be quick to delete trouble makers!. Who wants to go to swap site and have to ask location? price? grrrr I understand people not wanting to put their address out there, but a general location is reasonable. Stand your ground! Here is my experience we have a local fb site for our small town, for local folks, some businesses 2 or 3 hours away started spamming it, bumping up their posts all day and the admin won't stop it so most of us have turned off notifications. I didn't want to see porn Halloween costumes and now it's porn toys for Christmas from a business 2 1/2 hours away, defeats the whole purpose of the thread. I wish the admin of our local trader would grow a backbone.
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My DD and her husband co-slept with my granddaughter, and it worked wonderfully. When I was in the hospital with her (at birth), her eyes hurt from the bright lights in the nursery and she cried all the time. When they would bring her to me "to nurse" she would quiet and go to sleep. I put her on my stomach and put my hands over her little bum and we both went to sleep. The nurse about had a coronary when she came in, "YOU CAN"T SLEEP WITH THAT BABY, YOU MIGHT ROLL ON HER" she shrieked. I jumped, dd started crying, and the nurse grabbed her and put her in the little crib. My only excuse is that I was still half asleep when I said, "I won't roll on her, I sleep with a cat all the time." It took serious negotiation to be allowed to keep her in the room where it was dark after that. They finally let us go home the next morning (about 48 hours after she was born).

My DD gave birth at home both times, with a midwife, into water. So much better. I can't say I was comfortable with the home birth, but it was her choice and was the right solution for her.

! In fact, there are some fascinating studies on co sleeping and its effect on a babies growth. They actually know now that being in close contact to mom either close to or in bed during the night reduces the risk of SID due to the number of arousals during the night in response to mom's movements and also increases the effectiveness of the intestinal tract in the infant so they absorb nutrients better and gain weight quicker. There are a lot of benefits to baby being close to bed and mom during the night. The caveat is breastfeeding moms. If a mom is formula or bottle feeding the same effects are not seen and the benefits are not as high. Thank heavens my DH is on my side and very supportive. I don't know what I would do if he wasn't.
Sounds like your first husband wasn't easy to live with! Glad you are happier now!
Most men aren't! I have a wonderful man now that tolerates me and visa versa. Maturity makes a huge difference. I do wish I knew then what I know now.
My DD and her husband co-slept with my granddaughter, and it worked wonderfully. When I was in the hospital with her (at birth), her eyes hurt from the bright lights in the nursery and she cried all the time. When they would bring her to me "to nurse" she would quiet and go to sleep. I put her on my stomach and put my hands over her little bum and we both went to sleep. The nurse about had a coronary when she came in, "YOU CAN"T SLEEP WITH THAT BABY, YOU MIGHT ROLL ON HER" she shrieked. I jumped, dd started crying, and the nurse grabbed her and put her in the little crib. My only excuse is that I was still half asleep when I said, "I won't roll on her, I sleep with a cat all the time." It took serious negotiation to be allowed to keep her in the room where it was dark after that. They finally let us go home the next morning (about 48 hours after she was born).

My DD gave birth at home both times, with a midwife, into water. So much better. I can't say I was comfortable with the home birth, but it was her choice and was the right solution for her.

! In fact, there are some fascinating studies on co sleeping and its effect on a babies growth. They actually know now that being in close contact to mom either close to or in bed during the night reduces the risk of SID due to the number of arousals during the night in response to mom's movements and also increases the effectiveness of the intestinal tract in the infant so they absorb nutrients better and gain weight quicker. There are a lot of benefits to baby being close to bed and mom during the night. The caveat is breastfeeding moms. If a mom is formula or bottle feeding the same effects are not seen and the benefits are not as high. Thank heavens my DH is on my side and very supportive. I don't know what I would do if he wasn't.
Mammahen and everyone else. I just can't believe any state would say you can't sleep with a baby. What kind of woman could roll over on her baby?? Having kids just heightens your awareness of all of your senses until you wake up if their breathing changes. I can't imagine any one being able to roll over on a baby and not know it unless they weighed at least 400 pounds. Seriously?? To me that was the very best part of breast feeding. When the babies were really little I usually got up and nursed in a comfy chair but once they got a little older and I wasn't so hyper over protective you bet I'd grab them and take them back to bed with me.
The 2363N is a good styro incubator and if you get it directly from GQF they stand behind their products very well and you will not be paying a middle man. If you have a problem with it they will take care of it with no hesitation. The temp control is much easier to use than the Little Giant control. They are taller than the LG so the chicks have more room and you can hatch goose eggs in it also. There are some tricks to using a styro, but they are used by a lot of people and hatch out a lot of chicks.
i'm having trouble finding the website for GQF u happen to know the add? i found it lol
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HOLY @%$#@$%$# COW!!! I'm sooooooo sore I can barely move. I'm such a weeny. I went outside right after lunch, didn't come in until well after dark. I cleaned out all of the brooders, tidied up the brooder room, cleaned all of the outside chick/little chicken pens, rooster/turkey pen. I raked, and scraped, and shoveled and dumped. That was enough work as it was and I didn't even get to the two big pens. One is new so doesn't need it but I'll still have to do the layer pen tomorrow. The kids can do a lot, but every once in a while I want to do it myself and make sure it's done thoroughly. Tomorrow is a new day, I hope these muscles loosen up enough to takle the layer coop. My dh got me a cool wagon for Christmas, I've been telling him I wanted it but I asked if I could have it early since it helps with the work. The wagon part tilts to dump so that helped dump the yuck on the garden, I could pull it much easier than I could manage the yard carts. It helps with the water too, but it splashes a lot because it's so bumpy, but it doesn't splash me so I'm HAPPY!
HOLY @%$#@$%$# COW!!! I'm sooooooo sore I can barely move. I'm such a weeny. I went outside right after lunch, didn't come in until well after dark. I cleaned out all of the brooders, tidied up the brooder room, cleaned all of the outside chick/little chicken pens, rooster/turkey pen. I raked, and scraped, and shoveled and dumped. That was enough work as it was and I didn't even get to the two big pens. One is new so doesn't need it but I'll still have to do the layer pen tomorrow. The kids can do a lot, but every once in a while I want to do it myself and make sure it's done thoroughly. Tomorrow is a new day, I hope these muscles loosen up enough to takle the layer coop. My dh got me a cool wagon for Christmas, I've been telling him I wanted it but I asked if I could have it early since it helps with the work. The wagon part tilts to dump so that helped dump the yuck on the garden, I could pull it much easier than I could manage the yard carts. It helps with the water too, but it splashes a lot because it's so bumpy, but it doesn't splash me so I'm HAPPY!
At least you know why you hurt. I woke up this morning and my right trapezius was all swollen and sore and I have no idea why.
Update on my foster mother. She sleeps on the roost with the chick under her wing. I think this is really odd but nice. I am not sure the chick would have made it without a foster mother.
Second; has anyone here ever marked a bird with paint. I have 6 RIR and they all look the same. Want to mark them so the non laying ones can go to dinner. Same with my sex links. Thinking cheep spray paint and just a little sprits while they are in the nest box. Any suggestions?

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