Cookie Tin water heater

We have a neighbor that wraps his banana tree stumps in Christmas lights every year to keep them from freezing and dying. Works great!! We're thinking of wrapping the pipe and the bucket for our chicken waterer in christmas lights to get the same effect. It should look very festive all winter. LOL Maybe we'll do up the whole coop.
Whow! What a great idea! I was going to buy a heated one but now I'm going to get to working on a homeade one. Thanks.
I do lots of projects over the summner since I'm home (mostly) til school starts and I love this because it's fast, simple, cheap, and works!
We used both parts, so the light is enclosed. We drilled a 3/8" hole in the side of the bottom part of the tin, and then put a 3/8" rod that screws into the bottom of a brass lamp socket. Then we secured it with a 3/8" fender washer and lock nut on either side of of the hole. Ran a lamp cord thru the 3/8" rod. We're assuming this will work. We got all of it used at a Re-Store store. We'll start with a low watt bulb and track on a weekend and watch the temps, when it gets colder. I'll try and post a pic soon...
This might sound like a dumb question, but is the light/cord sold like that, or is it taken from a lamp or something like a Christmas decoration? I have a bunch of the tins sitting around, all I need is the cord/light. Was going to buy a heated dog bowl, but I'll try this first. Looks pretty easy.
I have one for yourall
walmart heated water bowl for outside dog with outside extension cord cheap and works for the ducks
Chickens on the other hand dumbies flip it or poop in it
so i have a waterer for the morning and keep extra on on basement
switch it at night so they have plenty of water
hay and Lamp up high
cause i had one fly up and hit its head on it and burn its little nugget
NOT cool:hit

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