Cookie Tin water heater

We have only ever used 25-40 watt bulbs in ours. The cookie tins are just the typical size you buy Christmas cookies in. We use the candlelabra type bulbs, so they're long and thin to fit in most any cookie tin. I've got all mine going and no frozen water. We also only use these on our plastic waterers.
I haven't read through all 22 pages of this thread so forgive me if this has been asked....

Can you use this for an outdoor setup? My waterer is in my run, not in my coop. It seemed at the beginning of the thread that they were talking about putting these inside the coop.

Also, what happens if water spills onto the cookie tin? I'm concerned because we just moved our hanging waterer on to 2 cinder blocks. I'm worried that, even thought is a much bigger waterer, that the girls will get spooked, fly on to it & cause it to spill.

Any thoughts?
If you use outdoor wiring, I would think this would be fine outdoors. You would also likely need a higher watt bulb, as outdoor temps are typically much colder than indoors. Whenever you mix plugs and water, you always want to make sure you are plugging into a GFI outlet to prevent mishaps. The GFI will knock off power in these cases.
here is my thougths on this......

Yes it works well for plastic waterer.
I ran a 15 watt bulb - to 26 degrees in the coop and still no ice. But it was getting much colder so I put in a 25 watt bulb.
for very cold I would go to 40 watt.... maybe.

as far as the watter - mine is normally on blocks
but when my girls were little 2 got trapped under a feeder.

ever since then - my water and food are chained to the ceiling.
you might ask - how can you do that with the 1 gallon waterer since there is no handle???
I used a metal ring (2inch) and metal welding rod - pretty heavy
I shaped the rods (2) to fit over the shape of the waterer I then put them on the waterer with the ring at the top.
about 30 wraps of electrical tape....... never had a problem with it
all in all - my girls might knock the waterer or feed off the block or heater.... but it never falls over
so very little spillage.

Hope that helps.
I use an old dog dish for water. I have been thinking of hanging a heat lamp with a 25 w bulb about 4" directly above my water bowl. It would keep the chickens and poop out of the water keep the water heated, and keep the lamp dry.
I use an old dog dish for water. I have been thinking of hanging a heat lamp with a 25 w bulb about 4" directly above my water bowl. It would keep the chickens and poop out of the water keep the water heated, and keep the lamp dry.

I would be concerned about burning the chickens if they touch the bulb and I am sure that they will.

The heat shield will stick out a couple of inches beyond the bulb. I don't think it would be convenient for the chicken to touch. I'll play with it. If it works well I will post a photo.
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I would be concerned about burning the chickens if they touch the bulb and I am sure that they will.

The heat shield will stick out a couple of inches beyond the bulb. I don't think it would be convenient for the chicken to touch. I'll play with it. If it works well I will post a photo.

The problem that you will probably have with this set up is that the chickens (or you) will splash some water up onto the bulb and it will explode. I had this happen while I was using a bulb over my turtle tank basking spot--a little splash and that bulb shattered! If you werent there to see it happen your chickens might eat some of the shards

Terri O

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