Cooling down your flock


8 Years
Jul 10, 2011
Hills of Kentucky
How do you cool down your flock during the summer heat?

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You can also freeze bottles and put them out for them to lay by. Also I have cat litterboxes out with water in them that they love to get into. They stand in it. I also spray their coops down and spray the ground real well. Than they dig up the dirt and lay in it. Good luck.
Shade and good ventilation.

If you live in a dry climate, those patio misters work.

I put a few ice cubes in their water. You can blow a fan across a block of ice.
we have a box fan going in the coop

In the mornings, I pour out a bit of their water to get some of the dirt out - they love to play in the mud puddle.
i got 2 box fans in the coop, water in front of one of the fans, and then a cat litter box outside i put new water in the cat box everyday after the sun is on the other side of the house or above so its nice cold water for them and fresh water in the coop 3 times a day just make sure its not dirty and always cold for them also have a sprinkle system that hits their play area so that it cools off their dirt so they can roll around later in the day. i really try to make sure they stay cool cuz past week its been up past 100 and i would hate to walk out side and see any of my poor babies dead from the heat

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