Crafters- What are you making???

Gosh, Cynthia, that is sure purty!
Within each square set you have several that have an obvious darker side or patch of darker then the rest of the square, try rotating them so all the darker side/spots are in the lower left side. They will still be set at a diagonal, but there may be some optical illusion effect to hide it.
Kass, thanks, I do have plans to rotate some for better effect. I say this is a quasi watercolor mainly because I am using 9 patch blocks and some do have red in them, not a good color for a true watercolor effect. If I was placing one patch at a time, it would be more true to the technique.
All my quilting sacrifices "tradition" for ease!!!!!! I cheat (traditionally speaking) often. If I had to do it according to the way it is suppose to be I'd never finish!!!!! Barely finish now w/ all the short cuts.

Right now my kick (quilting wise) are what I call kalidescope (someone else came up w/ my idea she wrote a book and calls it stack and wack). But I don't assemble traditionally. I assemble, piece and quilt by machine all at the same time in approx 20' squares then put the squares together w/ binding.
I hear that, Kass! Easy is the name of the game when I quilt; well, usually. I try to make it easy, but I'm battling deteriorating hands, eyes and back these days. I once made a small quilted thing with kaleidoscope in mind. Made with border prints. It didn't come out too badly, but it sits under "stuff" on some table here. Made this one a million years ago (okay, maybe 20 or so) and never tried another one.

Good job on your kalidiscope, if you do it w/ the whole piece of fabric, every one you make will be completely different. The set up takes a little time, but basically get a fabric w/ a short repeat and enough to have 6 repeats. Cut each repeat apart and stack them in same direction on top of each other, w/ a pin line up all layers and pin in place, then cut using a 60' triangle. Each stack will be a complete kali, when completed. Stack them all up and sew the first two sets, then when complete sew the extra to make 2 sets of 3, then sew them together in the middle. 1/4 seam isn't manditory, but same seam allowance is. No fussy cutting and cool results.
Thanks for the suggestions, Kass! Not sure I'll make another one--I have three or four projects lined up, waiting for me to get to them already. I do that, try something once, then decide I can't do it as well as I thought or don't want to do it again for some other reason. Why can't I have six hands?!

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