Crazy easy way to make hard boiled eggs

I've found that the easiest way for me to lower the eggs in without any cracks is with my pasta spoon! The tines hold the egg steady and I don't drop it onto the bottom of the pan--no more cracks!
LOL! I'm so happy to have been able to share this. I was in the same boat - couldn't get a decent peeled egg. How did I miss my hubby boiling eggs the last 13 years???

3 cheers for a beautiful peeled egg!
Oh I am so glad this post showed up again ... I have been searching for it... JUst wanted say I peeled two dozen eggs the other day( of variuos age) using your husbands method, and every last one peeled perfect...
This thread should be sticked , that is truly the easiest way to peel eggs EVER... THanks soo much for sharing....
I'm going to try this new-to-me, fabulous, inspired, cutting edge approach... but I must say, the following comment on page 2 of this thread, has really piqued my interest, and I might try it too!

I didn't read through the whole thread to see if there was any feedback. Anyone ever do this? Yeah? How'd it turn out? I love new ways of multitasking!
I do 12 minutes, my mom raised me to do 10 but if there is even a HINT of softness or goo in the center of the yolk I cant eat it. So 12 minutes. I put the eggs in the water before it goes on the stove, with a dash of salt and bring to a boil. Our well water is frigid cold, painful to hold one's hands under for more than a few seconds, so I just run that into the pan and let them sit for a few minutes. Never have a problem ever...
Here is a COOL way to shell the eggs.. put a teaspoon of baking soda in the water, stir, add eggs. Bring to a boil. Set in ice bath.. ./
Now the cool part... break both ends off, just a bit.. 1/2 inch on both sides. Put in your hand, close your hand around the egg, not too tight, but tight enough it won't blow out. NOW.. put you lips on the small end, and BLOW! OUT IT WILL COME IN TO YOUR OTHER HAND, CLEAN AND SHELL LESS. TRY IT. You can go to "You Tube", look for boiled eggs, and watch the method. I use it all the time.;
Thankyou for this thread. My chicks just started to lay and if I ever got (real ) eggs from a farm I always sent 4 or 5 hard boiled with my trucking husband to make sandwiches. So 45 minutes after i boiled and cooled the eggs I had 5 ugly little crater eggs. I will try this today. Save your money on the presto wonder egg peeler. We did get a lot of laughs out of it and it's in the garage sale/joke present box. No wait I might try it again, since you can blow one out. Good thing my hubby is out of town when I do this tomfoolery.
OMG, We had one of those egg peelers, my mom got it for me. They are really funny. We had eggs shoot all over the kitchen, I don't konw what we were doing wrong, and that was with store bought eggs. I would guess home grown eggs' shells are too tough for it.


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