Crazy easy way to make hard boiled eggs


I just HAD to come back to this thread one more time! I've been using this from nearly the beginning and it is the ONLY way I will cook hard boiled eggs! What a life saver when Easter comes around--the eggs don't crack but peel beautifully when you are ready to eat them. Thank you, chickensista, thank you!
LOL! Glad this post is still out there. I'm as happy as everyone else - can't believe the hubby was keeping such a secret from me.
I proudly served deviled eggs for New Year's this year. A new tradition!
Just saw this thread last night... That's how I always did the eggs (though I didn't add salt), the instructions are in my cookbook. I have always preferred the boiling water method to the cold water method.

Another tip? Use a spoon to peel the eggs. You crack the egg and slide the spoon under the shell (the side that would be up if you were eating from the spoon turned towards the egg). Just slide it around the egg under the shell and the shell peels away very nicely.
I just found this thread today. A couple of days ago I had a horrible craving for deviled eggs. The only thing stopping me was the fact that I have never in my life boiled an egg before (Im 21). Well I took two of my BRs eggs out of the fridge and boiled them. There was barly enough white left to fill with the yolk! I am so going to try this when I get home!
OMG! I just boiled some eggs today and tried this. It works wonderfully! I used fresh eggs. No dark spots after boiling. Peeled great! This is it...........this is the one for the books! Thank you chickensista!
If I have to do a large amount of eggs I might try this. What I do is I have and electric egg cooker by Aroma. I discovered it after volunteering in the Agribusiness food tent at fair. I had to cook and peel eggs for the potato salad and that is my least favorite job in the kitchen! Well this thing looks like a big chrome egg with a cord. It cooks 7 eggs at a time. Soft, hard or half way in between. You just prick th ebig side and out a little water in the cooker and press the button. Perfect every time and the shells practically fall off!
I will try your method too though--when I need a bunch for Easter! Terri O
It is so easy to cook and peel this way. Takes no time. I do a dozen at a time. I like to keep a bowl of hard boiled eggs in the frig. un-peeled until I am ready to use them. The peels just fall off. My dogs and cat love a egg with their meal, The chickens love them for a treat, and the best part is it is good for them.
I've been using the cold salt water, bring to a boil, turn off and let sit, for 18 minutes....I've never had a problem peeling them, but I did notice, oftentimes, the yolk is completely to one side of the egg.

With the boiling water method, I think the white sets, quickly, thus, avoiding this, and makes for a better looking deviled egg...Plus, the yolk is bright yellow...No gray..Again, for the same reason.

As for the blowing the egg out of the shell, it's too much fun..I know some people would frown on it, if they were serving the eggs to the public, but for personal use, it's quicker than peeling, and a kick in the pants, to boot.

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