Crazy easy way to make hard boiled eggs

I think this is amazing, because you know what they do if you put them in water that is sort of warm and then bring them to a boil, they pop, or mine will do a degree . . .I can't wait to try this, just bought four dozen eggs from my neighbor (for 75 cents a dozen!!!!) and going to make deviled eggs this week-end. . . yumm yummm!!!
this works..i tried it this week and it REALLY worked!
My method - wash eggs first - then put eggs and water on and bring to a boil. About 5 min before I am going to take them out I crack the shell with something solid. Allow to finish boiling. Use a slotted spoon to remove them and place in ice water. They peel like a dream, that day and days after.
I think I will have to devil some eggs this weekend too! Thanks for the suggestion.
I didn't read all the posts, but my mother-in-law shared her way of peeling eggs. start with cold water, put the eggs in and bring up to a boil, I lost track of how long, probably boiling for about 10 minutes, turned the heat off and let sit in the water for a while. put them in cold water for a few minutes to cool, put them back in the pot (remove water first), cover and shake them around until the shells crack all over (be careful not to shake too hard or the eggs will split, yes I did that with some of them) and the eggs peeled easily and they were all less than a week old fresh eggs. I peeled a dozen in a couple minutes. Just thought I'd share.
One Easter week - my mom was boiling (store bought) eggs for the EE coloring event that was yet to come. She had about 4 doz eggs totally ready to boil, but she forgot they were EEs and she shook the pot like crazy to crack the shells and suddenly remembered - these were the Easter Eggs. After a good laugh she started more eggs to hard boil.

We had a lot of deviled eggs that year. And I still remember the look on her face as she realized what she was doing. And of course a good laugh was the next thing we all got.

I still remember my mon's laugh - it carried forever, could embarass me then, but I miss it now. ..
Now leave it to man to figure out HOW TO BOIL the perfect egg!! ROTF!! I will try this one next time. I know the older the egg the better for boiling but I will try his method next time. thanks!!

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