Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

I love the idea of fast growing bird, tasty meat, and the blue egg.  Have any one working on Bresse X CL cross? 
Sulmtaler x Legbar and I'm very happy with what I am seeing so far with all the qualities you've listed, just waiting on the first eggs to see what color I get. Sulmtalers lay a tint or very light cream egg.
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This is so timely!

Sorry for being off topic. I hatched some OEs bases off of Penedesenca and UofA blue and sold them to a friend on BYC. Hers are now laying so I need to share a picture. The one on the left is from an EE

See how blue the egg is? All of them are like that.

so Arkansas blue is on the right--- could you photo an Arkansas blue egg beside a CL egg? Do you have pure-bred CLs or have you got hybrid?

And if you have an OAC - could you match the color swatch and tell us where your AB and you CL match - or near match on the chart?
OAC = online auction color chart -- and I'm not sure that they are still available in the form we used to get them.

You really have a nice selection of pure and saturated colors.

My Pure CLs are not old enough yet and the UofA Blue egg is from a fellow BYCr that I sold them to.

I will get pictures of the ones at my house when they start up.

I am very pleased that my breeding pens this year produced nice OEs!

Next year I will be using Partridge Penedesenca for the Dark brown color.
this is a response to the white sappire researcher who got thier work stolen. i dont know how i missed the quote the first time=sorry

omg--i feel so bad about your loss from those nasty thieves!!!
is their any birds you may have farmed out to someone you could work with?
i do love my chickens and thought about doing what you call a white sapphire and did wonder about how long it would take
for the blue gene to show up.

i have a question you may be able to answer---would a glossier white egg layer make a crisper blue color than a matte white egg layer?
i seem to have heard somewhere it may make a difference.
good luck getting started again.maybe some one with a similiar project would be willing to do a little collaboration.
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Great name
I just set my broody with 6 eggs from a cross between my Legbar rooster and a Red Star Marcy.

1. I chose the red star because she lays brown eggs towards the darker side so there is a good possibility of Olive Eggers
2. She laid 362 eggs in her first year and still only skipping a day every 3-4 weeks.
3. Want to see if the chicks are sex linked or not (don't want to use the word auto-sexing)
4. My kids just want to see Marcy's babies

Also under her are 3 x Legbar x RIR eggs. 1 Legbar x Black Australorp egg and 1 Legbar pullet egg (which is only 1.6 oz)

I also want to check with you guys to see if there is a study out there as to why Red Stars or some other production birds don't have a typical egg cycle. All my other breeds have a laying pattern where they start early morning, then progressively it becomes later in the day until they skip a day. Is there a gene that regulates that cycle which gets turned off in production breeds?

Whereas most production breeds (or atleast the best layers out of them) tend to consistently lay around the same time until they skip a day for some reason. For example Marcy lays within 30 minutes of sunrise (unless the nest is occupied) and the only days she has skipped is when she was sick, the coop changed or the nesting area was re-arranged. I have had other red stars but even those slightly progressed in terms of time until they skipped after 2-3 weeks.
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