Crochet "Chat"


Finished my moms breast cancer hat. Just in time too, her hair started coming out by the handfuls yesterday, & after just 1 chemo! Her 2nd is Monday, so I better express mail it I guess!! The grand baby has kept me sooo busy, I just couldn't get anythig done.
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Thanks! Orange and blue were mine and my sons' HS colors from the two different schools, which I found a fun coincidence. I would like your input on something, though. Would you just use those two colors or introduce another? Would it water down the visual punch if I put in a slightly different shade of blue in the middle, do you think? Or should I just stick to the two colors I have in varying width stripes or same size stripes? Guess that's a second question in there, isn't it, LOL?

I have this color blue as well that I could sandwich in between two of the brighter blue stripes, called Bluebell. I'm using Iris. My gut tells me maybe it would lessen the visual punch. I have cotton yarn in an orange and a blue that I could make coordinating drink coasters and sell as a set, like a football on-the-couch Game Day set, sort of.
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Are knitters accepted into this chat thread too?

I've been knitting my first lace project and am so proud of the way it's coming out that I just have to share...

It's not done yet, but I think that this will be my favorite scarf ever.

I do sort of know how to crochet, but with no idea what I'm supposed to learn after single crochet, I switched to knitting and have been loving it.
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Thanks kass and speckled! Here in northern utah we hit 105 yesterday... Not a fun temp to be out in the yard in (unless water is involved.) so I spent a few hours working on the blanket. Does anyone on here ever sell their blankets?
If you mean crocheted, most folks don't appreciate the work that goes into just the basic blanket, much less the more complex ones. IMO. I just make them for fun and family or to donate.

We have a thing at church where everyone knits a square, usually 12", and then someone sews them together, for those with serious illness. The woman who started it, Sister Trudy, passed last year.

The A.C. Moore store takes donations of squares to make blankets for the Veterans hospital.

Of course if you're extremely talented and make something of special design you might find someone willing to pay a fair price, but usually not. Again IMO.

Don't even mention knitting.
Totally agree w/ RancherH, I have never seen anyone willing to pay a fair price for most detailed hand work including crochet. Most people I've seen aren't even willing to pay the amount of supplies in the project let alone time or talent. I make mine for gifts or personal use or donations.

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