Cross Continental Friends!!!

Such a good song Bill. Haven't heard it for ages. Yeah I'm feeling pretty lonely. My relationship is on the rocks.

Glad to know you still think of us all here, yes time never seems to forgive anything.
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Such a good song Bill. Haven't heard it for ages. Yeah I'm feeling pretty lonely. My relationship is on the rocks.

Glad to know you still think of us all here, yes time never seems to forgive anything.
aw im so sorry!
Hey guys!

@ Faith, really sorry about all your chicks, to answer your question, all my runts usually die, and if they don't, then they are the weakest chickens and die early in life anyway. And it's normal to experience several deaths, sad but normal, so I don't think you did anything wrong, glad it's getting better now though.
pensa positivo bella inglesina

sarebbe potuto capitarti di peggio, come essere sposata con me

vado a farmi un sonnellino, buonanotte

Thanks Bill, I'm trying to be positive. I'm sure being married to you isn't as bad as you think, are you offering!? Hehe ;)

aw im so sorry!:hugs

Thanks faith. :) we're in limbo a bit at the moment. All a bit strange! Hey ho!

Had a nice day today picking out things at a trade show for the shop. :) how is everyone?
Thanks Bill, I'm trying to be positive. I'm sure being married to you isn't as bad as you think, are you offering!? Hehe ;)

se tu fossi sposata con me, la sera saresti troppo stanca per uscire di casa e divertirti

cercati qualche Nigel, magari uno che alle 18.00 del venerdì abbia finito di lavorare
se tu fossi sposata con me, la sera saresti troppo stanca per uscire di casa e divertirti

cercati qualche Nigel, magari uno che alle 18.00 del venerdì abbia finito di lavorare

Yes, you do work long hours. I'd be tired already before the evening, oh my! ;) hehe just kidding. I'm getting old, I don't need to go out so much anyway. Who is Nigel? His name sounds familiar.
Thanks Bill, I'm trying to be positive. I'm sure being married to you isn't as bad as you think, are you offering!? Hehe

Thanks faith.
we're in limbo a bit at the moment. All a bit strange! Hey ho!

Had a nice day today picking out things at a trade show for the shop.
how is everyone?

sounds like you guys should have a vacation together

is a trade show like a flea market?

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