Crossbreeding/Backcrossing of Green Junglefowl With Domestic Chicken and Successive Offspring

One of my little cockerels:

Nicalandia, any progress on this project? Any luck sourcing greens or Besikers in the US?

I actually am in the infant stages of trying to do a Grey and Ceylon Jungle Faux, i have some hybrid stock from Will Lawrence, and i have a young Grey male over Red hens now as well. I'd like to try with Greens too.

I've managed to track down one deceased breeder (with the help of Rob) and a second via the US Jungle Fowl FB group. But, he strikes me as a dead end.

I don't believe I would have any luck with adult Greens due to my winter climate, unless I got a male of breeding age in the spring, which would eventually be a sacrifice and not something I'd like to do. But, I believe if I started with Besikers, I'd be off running.

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