CS15 -- The Official Michigan Chicken Stock Information Thread for June 20, 2015

Thanks, batty! I'm sure we can work something out; I think I'm bringing enough pysanky. Lol.

Ok. I have no clue what pysanky is but ok. I do have to bring an 8 week old puppy that I just got yesterday. I am not letting her anywhere near my birds until I'm sure she is parasite and disease free. Obviously, if she isn't clean, I won't bring her. She's my new flock guardian. Anyway, she is going to the vet shortly for a thorough check up. :)
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Pysanky are the egg art...check my avatar.

Oh! I didn't know what it was called. Anyway, weird and bad news. 2 weeks ago, one of my 6 year old birds died, the bantam, called Thursday. So I sent her for a necropsy. I know why she died but I wanted to check over all flock heath. The state vet, I talked to him (Dr. Mick Fulton) about her case before he did the necropsy. Any way, after we got through that, he told me I should find a way to go to school and become a vet myself, made my day, I might just do it. So, the results came back just as I suspected, but also with a great health report. No, disease, no respiratory ailments, no internal or external parasites. Ok, good deal. So, tonight I take the puppy to the vet only to find out she has round worms, guiardia, and coccidiosis. I am stark raving mad! When I went to pick up the dog, well, I won't mention what I discovered. Obviously, I won't be bringing the dog to the CS2015 and if she is still sick then, I will have to stay home, my hubby is in N.C. I will practice the strictest bio security, I have 60-ish birds lives on the line and 2 cats as well. Imagine how angry I am about this situation. Someone is getting hit with a mack truck soon!
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Well, it looks better and better I can come for a bit. I can bring G's eggs! And eat Mary's cake!

I do work 40 hours a week, and then come home to another 5 hours a day of farm maintenance (husband has his own stuff to do) but I have managed to get my gardens in (but they need weeding!) and most of my hay is in, and I am sure my hay farmer is not cutting this week so I won't be getting the last this weekend.

So, I won't have time to make any foods...and I probably won't be eating much, but is there anything that might be needed?

Oh and I will want to buy maple syrup! Hubby just got addicted...found out it's much better than that corn syrup crap they sell in the store.
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Well, it looks better and better I can come for a bit. I can bring G's eggs! And eat Mary's cake!

I do work 40 hours a week, and then come home to another 5 hours a day of farm maintenance (husband has his own stuff to do) but I have managed to get my gardens in (but they need weeding!) and most of my hay is in, and I am sure my hay farmer is not cutting this week so I won't be getting the last this weekend.

So, I won't have time to make any foods...and I probably won't be eating much, but is there anything that might be needed?

Oh and I will want to buy maple syrup! Hubby just got addicted...found out it's much better than that corn syrup crap they sell in the store.

So glad you are coming Jackie! look forward to seeing you and eat what you wish :) I am sure there will be plenty of food. X2 on the Maple Syrup! we hope to get some too!
Maybe just bring drinks? Or I'm sure we'll have plenty. I'm trying to figure out what to bring. My flower garden in the front of my house is a mess and we just put the house on the market, so I need to get it in shape. Thinning out. Had a couple of neighbors come and shop for flowers. They left very happy! Still need to weed and possibly mulch. Very large flower garden. Got lots done yesterday and now heading back out to do more.
Maybe just bring drinks? Or I'm sure we'll have plenty. I'm trying to figure out what to bring. My flower garden in the front of my house is a mess and we just put the house on the market, so I need to get it in shape. Thinning out. Had a couple of neighbors come and shop for flowers. They left very happy! Still need to weed and possibly mulch. Very large flower garden. Got lots done yesterday and now heading back out to do more.
What kind of flowers? I'd be glad to take some ....I have 5 large perennial gardens that came with this house I am trying to maintain...right now they have timothy hay volunteers in them that are taller than my head....
Batty, sorry about your loss, Thursday was beautiful! Many puppies and kittens come with extra critters attached, just has to be dealt with. Hope to see you Saturday anyway! My gardens are totally overgrown, and there are plenty of plants to share too. And lilac starts, many colors. Digging them all up is another story though. Anyone interested? Mary
I'm bringing lots of purple iris to CS. Some daffodils. Have to see what else needs to go as I go along. Rearranging things. Looking pretty good. Don't think the oriental poppies will transplant well. Too bad, cuz they were so pretty.
I don't even want to get into the "weed fest" in my garden; did a quick hoe 6 days ago & already there are weeds that have outpaced some of my plants...ridiculous..

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