CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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Can you see the pinched tails?


Number two and three, right?

I love this pic, really helps me see the body shape. Would this be the general ideal shape for most dual purpose breeds? I'm thinking we're looking for the width over the legs to be about as wide as the body is across the shoulder? and that a tear drop shape in the body is what gives you a pinched tail?

# 1 Nice rectangular width, from nice wide front, which could support a good breast. This bird is likely to have a nice wide set over her legs.
Width continues through the rear/tail providing excellent organ space throughout the body and a possibility of a very thrifty bird.

#2 The front may be OK, but the body shape collapses as it moves rearward. The structure allows for poor reproductive health, over the long run.
Pinched tail is a certainty.

#3 This bird's body shape is narrow, from front to back. Very narrow set upon its legs.
This shape will not support good muscle development or internal organ health and eggs will likely be inferior in size/quality.

#4 Excessive rear heaviness. Large, fluffy rear end. Likely an inefficient breeder. Clumsy, awkward bird with poor weight distribution.
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Number two and three, right?

I love this pic, really helps me see the body shape. Would this be the general ideal shape for most dual purpose breeds? I'm thinking we're looking for the width over the legs to be about as wide as the body is across the shoulder? and that a tear drop shape in the body is what gives you a pinched tail?

This is good for most breeds. #4 shows what an Orp would look like from the top.

Okay, professors & others.....hit me. Good & bad, please. Silver Penciled Rock cock bird. Two years in this picture. I know there are faults; I'm committed to making a continuous/longtime effort to improve them:

(and one just for fun....)

ETA: I see "bushy" or "cobby" tail (?) per Plate 11 that Fred posted. (Also of note - he is smaller than he ought to be. I don't have an exact weight, but he's probably 1# lighter than the minimum called for.)
I like number two picture nice color hope more will get them from you and help re populate this color pattern. They are as rare as any Plymouth Rocks on Earth Right now. I should know I use to be the Club Sectary. Dick Horstsman has some and your line and that's about all I have seen. Anyone have any Partridge they are willing to post pictures of. They are super rare as well. Thanks for the Pictures Wynette .
I like number two picture nice color hope more will get them from you and help re populate this color pattern. They are as rare as any Plymouth Rocks on Earth Right now. I should know I use to be the Club Sectary. Dick Horstsman has some and your line and that's about all I have seen. Anyone have any Partridge they are willing to post pictures of. They are super rare as well. Thanks for the Pictures Wynette .
Bob, tell me what needs fixing...other than size, please! Many, many thanks!

I, too, hope that one day, this variety will take off. They are dear to my heart.
Bob, tell me what needs fixing...other than size, please! Many, many thanks!

I, too, hope that one day, this variety will take off. They are dear to my heart.
The first picture and the second picture look like totally different birds. Are they the same guy? You said "cock bird" which made me think you were talking about only one.

They are beautiful to me Wynette. I love the pencilling.
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