CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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Yup that's dirt, She weighs 4.75 lbs


Belle Petite.
Do you have a handsome suitor for her?
These are both very stylish birds, looks like you have a great start in the breed.

I like the smaller comb and wattles on this cockerel. The close up shows he has a nice red eye, even if he does have a puckered comb. I would prefer to see tighter feathering on his thighs and perhaps his tail lowered a notch, but that could be the angle of the photo. (taken slightly above rather than a true profile) If you ask me, his coloring is just the thing Delight in Dominiques was talking about to use over dark pullets. What do you think Delight?

What a fierce expression.
I prefer a little less comb and wattles because as you have found, they a can suffer frostbite, but he has lovely markings, a nice topline and his sickles hug his tail feathers in a tidy curve. This is a fine bird. Both your boys have great leg coloring and they seem to carry themselves upright and alert. Like I said, a great start.
Gallusfarm, If you prefer to have lighter colored pullets with wider white barring in your Dominiques you have to stamp it in with a very light male. Use very clean marked hens and under color is very important in the birds, especially the hen. Here is an example of a pullet breeder. John

Thanks John. The pattern on his chest has large white sections, interesting. Can I ask, the bird that I posted with the washed out wing color, would that pattern also work for pullet color, or are we specifically looking for the white in the tail? I see that this bird has rather consistent color in the wing area. Thanks.
Walt, in judging the Dominiques, using points, how many would you give the head overall? Just the comb? Thanks.

In single comb breeds, the comb is not a big deal point wise, but in Rosecomb breeds you can easily have up to a 9 point deduction just for the comb. Rosecomb breeds have a lot to get right with the comb. It is very important feature of the bird.

Thanks John. The pattern on his chest has large white sections, interesting. Can I ask, the bird that I posted with the washed out wing color, would that pattern also work for pullet color, or are we specifically looking for the white in the tail? I see that this bird has rather consistent color in the wing area. Thanks.

If you want your birds to meet the SOP color, I don't think I would use a light female unless it was mated to a very dark male. Many colors fail in the chest of a bird. Particularly in the females. You can go backwards with this color very quickly.

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