CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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Maybe I missed it, but did the judges contribute to this breed? I thought the judges comments were going to be the longed-for goal in this thread?
I'm thinking the problem of it being so quiet on this subject is that so few people have Javas, and even fewer actually try to breed to SOP. Likely there are not many judges who have even seen Javas so perhaps they don't feel they can add anything. Of course at this point, I'd take anything I can get as far as discussion on them, even if the judges haven't seen one in person.
Me too. The photos I posted are my first javas, and I am new at breeding to SOP. I hope Walt and some of the other judges will eventually comment on some of the javas other people posted. Mine are too young to tell much of anything. Maybe we can revisit the breed next year when the birds are older
Magic Chicken, I ran across the same problem with the light pinkish feet from my black java flock from Urch. I culled the pinkish-white, and kept the ones with yellow. As far as white in feathers, wait until they are 4 months old. By the time mine turned that age, the white was gone. I wish you luck with this awesome breed. :)
It would be nice if the people, other than Bill & Walt, who do make comments, would state their experience with the breed. If their profile does not have descriptive information, I wonder whether they are Master Breeders or how much experience they have had breeding and showing.

Why don't you just ask them?
Magic Chicken, I ran across the same problem with the light pinkish feet from my black java flock from Urch. I culled the pinkish-white, and kept the ones with yellow. As far as white in feathers, wait until they are 4 months old. By the time mine turned that age, the white was gone. I wish you luck with this awesome breed. :)

Thanks, Tyzma. That's good to know. They're vigorous little beasts, and I like them a lot!
I would love to post some Delaware pics, but unfortunately mine are not show quality, and badly rumpled from rooster affection and filthy from rain/mud - hope someone has some nice ones to show!
Maybe Kathyinmo will post pics of her Delawares in progress...but I don't know if she follows this thread?
Posters are again reminded that this thread is not merely an online show, where people post photos of their birds and ask for them to be judged. This is not that kind of thread. Merely posting photos without discussion is not all that helpful. Commentary is vital to CSU.

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of the breed, the challenges in breeding to the SOP and demonstrating of the breed. The Standard of Perfection for the Delaware should drive the discussion. Questions are very welcome. So with that, we're underway!!!! We're here to learn about the Delaware.
I have been working with Delawares for about 5 years now. Purchased my original stock from two local breeders that had also been working with the breed for about 5 years. This cockeral is 5 mos. old and of my own breeding (still have Dad and Mom). I am thinking he will fill out in the chest and have a nice bowl shape, Dad is large and this guy I think will be larger. Too many points on the comb but there are no serrations, etc. and it looks pleasing to me. Nice yellow legs, nice open tail. Last pic his chest looks narrow but it is the pic. he is pretty wide. He seems to hold the right wing slightly lower showing more of the black feathers in the pics, not sure what to make of that, the wing is not split and I am not sure if this is normal for him or if it was because I was disturbing him in his pen. Colour is a little smutty over the back, time will tell if that changes. Would he be worth taking to a show?

This is the Mom to the above cockeral. She is about 3 years old now, her legs used to be yellow but are now very pale from all of the egglaying! I love the width of her skull and her nice bowl shape. She also has a nice open tail. Not a good comb, too many points and very uneven. She has one very crooked toe but has not passed that on to any of her offspring, can't tell you if she hatched that way or not but I don't think so.

Here is a daughter and full sister to the birds above, 5 mos. old pullet. I love her width and size and better colour than Mom. Better comb than Mom but still not pleasing to me. Meat bird comes to mind when I see her chest as these birds are supposed to be. She does hold her tail naturally high but not as high as it looks in the pics. The pink just before the ticking on her neck is from a beet she was munching on this morning...........

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