CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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If I showed up at Kathy's place with a pick up, I would definately try to stash one or two of those emus in...

Any comments from breeders about the above pictured birds? Comments in particular about their body type and color would be really appreciated.
The video showed the vigor from the out cross and they have good type and color for such a young project. They look true to the breed and do not have washed out color like some I saw earlyer which is no fault of anyone other than the breed was just worn down from lack of breeding skills. The question is if we went to Kathys place with our pick up and five boxes what two males would we buy and what three females would we buy and will they chicks come out with the same color?

Now that she is on her f4 year how do you mate them?

I hope others have her strain so you can share with others down the road who want them..
Is there any way to get "washed out" colour back to where is should be? I have a few Dels with almost Columbian type colouring but not as good type, should I try using them?
The video showed the vigor from the out cross and they have good type and color for such a young project. They look true to the breed and do not have washed out color like some I saw earlyer which is no fault of anyone other than the breed was just worn down from lack of breeding skills. The question is if we went to Kathys place with our pick up and five boxes what two males would we buy and what three females would we buy and will they chicks come out with the same color?

Now that she is on her f4 year how do you mate them?

I hope others have her strain so you can share with others down the road who want them..

No one else has any, because I have not released any to the public yet. I wanted to wait and be sure they were ready. I am not sure how the F4s are gonna be, but I am shipping some of those chicks to a couple people anyway..... a couple folks that I feel confident will work with them.

I am keeping 3 of those F4 cockerels. Two I am shipping out, and the others I am getting ready to butcher. Unless someone is interested in them..... pick up only.

Is there any way to get "washed out" colour back to where is should be? I have a few Dels with almost Columbian type colouring but not as good type, should I try using them?

I am not sure and will be experimenting with that also. I have cockerels with excess color and a couple with lighter barring. I am not sure how it will play out on the pullets with less barring (and more Columbian) on their necks.

I really can not get good pictures today. It is rainy and muddy, but here you can see the light color barring one one and one with excess coloring (and blood from fighting).

Kathy, the above photo made me giggle a bit. I don't know why but about spit out my juice! Very interested how they can go through different extremes!
... She got some good Barred Rocks and New Hampshire's and crossed them and in three generations has some very nice colored birds not washed out. This is a tough breed to raise to get color. That is why they faded out. You got to be very knowledgeable about this color pattern and many just give up after a few years. They get caught up in the hipe, history and all this stuff plus the pretty color paintings of them like so many breeds. With the cross vigor should be good for 20 years.

I must have missed something. Kathyinmo, I was under the impression you started with less than ideal Delawares and added the crossbreeds to improve the strain, or is he saying this breed can be completely recreated from scratch by judicious crossbreeding?
Also, I'm curious about the "good for 20 years" part; in your opinion, is this a breed that is destined to require periodic infusion of the original cross to remain viable?
As far as I know, Kathy recreated them the way they were created in the first place. Using heritage Barred Rocks and heritage New Hampshire birds. If I also remember correctly, Kathy found nothing to please her, so she just went ahead, studied, read and secured the birds she needed to make her Delaware.

I'm sure that once Kathy gets her flock to the point that pleases her, she'll make a few "families" and keep track of where her eggs/chicks went to other dedicated breeders for future "cousin" breeding. It'll work just like all these old lines work, I reckon.

Edited to add: I think old George Ellis would be quite pleased with Kathy's work.
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I was lucky and won a dozen of Kathy's F2 eggs at auction last year. These birds are huge, even the hens. They are also so nice to work with and have around. I almost got out of Delawares because my roosters were all mean. When these guys came along they were the opposite. Its much more pleasant to be around the coops now. Those other roosters are dead. Long live this great new strain of nice big birds.
This is how I remember it being done. Kathy found a good strain of Barred Rocks in Nebraska and drove all day and night to pick them up from Jeremy. Then we looked and found a new strain of New Hampshire's called German New Hampshire's thanks to the good folks on the Heritage Large Fowl Tread from Doug Ackers. She went to the Ill Mo chicken show and bought two trios and then she made her F1 Cross. She has the recipe on how to do it and I don't know of anyone who has reinvented a new breed in the last 30 years as fast and as well as she has. Its just amazing to me what she has done. Then she has shared the barred rocks and the New Hampshire's with others and made them so popular. Heck at our show this weekend a German New Hampshire was not only Grand Champion Large Fowl of the Show but Reserve Champion of the show. These where some top bantams from the South that he beat out for this award. Could be the best win a New Hampshire has had in 20 years in a good show.

Non the less that is how I remember how it has unfolded. Good breeders don't share their birds unless they know for sure the person getting them will work with them as a Partner or not screw up what they have done. They will be available I am sure in do time.

In regards to the others out there they would be worth razing and learning from then when the time comes make the change and get Kathy's line. You can not beat experience just razing the breed until something better comes along.
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