CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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Walt, when looking at the various pics of Laura's and Chris' cocks/cockerels, could you address the issue of the sickles a bit?

The SOP calls for "medium in length, nicely curved". Specifically, could you let us know what would be considered too short or too long and how to determine that. TIA.

God Bless,

Some of them are in the wind and some have their tail into the wire, but I don't see anything too far out of line in the males. Too short would be standing straight out and too long would be obvious. I can't imagine this breed having a tail that is too long, but I haven't seen them all.

What are you seeing? maybe that would help me.

I took my best pair of Buckeyes to the show last November. Every single time anybody would walk up to the cage he'd raise his tail up like a flagpole! I mean it'd go to 90 degrees and then some. And that includes when the judge walked up to it.

I watched him and as soon as nobody was nearby, it'd go back down. Watched him the next couple of days out in the yard and he always had it at about 35-40 degrees. Go figure!

God Bless,
Walt, I only ask for info and education. Not because I was seeing anything. A couple of years ago I took a Buckeye to a Winter show and the cockerel had sickles about the same length as the one shown in the pic that Laura posted. It too Reserve of breed and when I asked the judge what made the difference between my bird and the other that took BB, he said my sickles were too long and the SOP called for a "medium length". The two birds were almost identical apart from that. So I am just trying to get an idea in my head as to what the proper length is.

I've sort of been looking for sickles that curve down just enough to cover the bottom of the lower hard tailfeathers and not extend too far out past them or below them. Whattaya think about that?

God Bless,
If you look at this page on our website and scroll down you can see a photo of my grandfather as a toddler with some of his chickens: http://www.pathfindersfarm.com/BKF.html

There's a funny family story told about him. When he was young, he kept a simple diary, that often ended each entry with the same sentence: "Fed the chickens, washed my feet, went to bed."

(You might have to think about it for a minute, but when you get it, it makes you laugh.)

Beautiful stallion of your great grandfather's! And I love the cock bird being named Caruso :)

I appreciate the time and effort you have devoted to Chicken U. It’s one of the few places where there is wholesome debate and comments regarding Buckeyes.

So many other like type sites limit discussion to only “positive” comments such that a person asking for a critique of his/her bird is only able to get… “beautiful bird” or “pretty picture”. Most anything other than that gets you booted. As a result the questioning person’s knowledge/education regarding his/her bird is no further advanced after the requested critique then it was before.

Perhaps some site administrators will take a lesson from your efforts and promote constructive discussions and realize sites such as yours is about “the bird” and not about them.

Keep up the good work.

J.R. Hatch
J Squared Farms

I appreciate the time and effort you have devoted to Chicken U. It’s one of the few places where there is wholesome debate and comments regarding Buckeyes.

So many other like type sites limit discussion to only “positive” comments such that a person asking for a critique of his/her bird is only able to get… “beautiful bird” or “pretty picture”. Most anything other than that gets you booted. As a result the questioning person’s knowledge/education regarding his/her bird is no further advanced after the requested critique then it was before.

Perhaps some site administrators will take a lesson from your efforts and promote constructive discussions and realize sites such as yours is about “the bird” and not about them.

Keep up the good work.

J.R. Hatch
J Squared Farms
By way of clarification, we DO allow feedback when made in a helpful, constructive way. We do not allow bullying or flaming. Like most walks of life, the lesson to take is that it's mostly not about what you say, but how you say it.

I appreciate the time and effort you have devoted to Chicken U. It’s one of the few places where there is wholesome debate and comments regarding Buckeyes.

So many other like type sites limit discussion to only “positive” comments such that a person asking for a critique of his/her bird is only able to get… “beautiful bird” or “pretty picture”. Most anything other than that gets you booted. As a result the questioning person’s knowledge/education regarding his/her bird is no further advanced after the requested critique then it was before.

Perhaps some site administrators will take a lesson from your efforts and promote constructive discussions and realize sites such as yours is about “the bird” and not about them.

Keep up the good work.

J.R. Hatch
J Squared Farms

Thank you for the kind words J.R. I have been told that my replies are sometimes mean and it is clear that I annoy some folks, but what I try to do is respond in the same way other people treat me here. If someone responds to me in an aggressive way I will respond in kind. If someone asks the same question 800 times, I may be short with them, but actually I'm one of the very few truly sensitive males left on this planet. I have a lot of patience with beginners and I would never act mean, even if I have heard the same question (from different people). Sometimes the people here really do believe it is a pretty bird, but I look at chickens in a different way than they do. I look at their birds the same way I look at my birds...as a judge. The judge part is seldom turned off.

Walt, I only ask for info and education. Not because I was seeing anything. A couple of years ago I took a Buckeye to a Winter show and the cockerel had sickles about the same length as the one shown in the pic that Laura posted. It too Reserve of breed and when I asked the judge what made the difference between my bird and the other that took BB, he said my sickles were too long and the SOP called for a "medium length". The two birds were almost identical apart from that. So I am just trying to get an idea in my head as to what the proper length is.

I've sort of been looking for sickles that curve down just enough to cover the bottom of the lower hard tailfeathers and not extend too far out past them or below them. Whattaya think about that?

God Bless,

It sounds as if you have the end of the sickle feathers figured out. I would agree with your placement. It would be great to see a picture of that bird just for reference of what a judge thought was a long tail. It would seem that it had to be pretty long to get knocked down for it. I have seen some barred Rock males with pretty long tails and they were never marked down. The illustration in the APA SOP has it where it should be. Many judges are just starting to see these birds, so it will be a while until most of us have them down. I'm impressed that the judge knew the tail position without looking it up....or maybe he/she did.

With your screen name you want to make sure the tail is right. Good question now that I understand it better.

It sounds as if you have the end of the sickle feathers figured out. I would agree with your placement. It would be great to see a picture of that bird just for reference of what a judge thought was a long tail. It would seem that it had to be pretty long to get knocked down for it. I have seen some barred Rock males with pretty long tails and they were never marked down. The illustration in the APA SOP has it where it should be. Many judges are just starting to see these birds, so it will be a while until most of us have them down. I'm impressed that the judge knew the tail position without looking it up....or maybe he/she did.

With your screen name you want to make sure the tail is right. Good question now that I understand it better.


I'm glad to hear you say you've seen Barred Rock Males with exceptionally long tails....that seems to be a trend at shows, but NOT the SOP (Sorry that I'm interrupting in the Buckeye classroom). I had two nice Col Rock males that I kept over the winter and bred from both. However, one developed that long hanging tail like you see on some of the Barreds I see at shows....it is so far off from the pictures I see in the SOP. At any rate, he went to another farm and I kept his 1/2 brother with a tail not nearly as long.

I'm glad to hear you say you've seen Barred Rock Males with exceptionally long tails....that seems to be a trend at shows, but NOT the SOP (Sorry that I'm interrupting in the Buckeye classroom). I had two nice Col Rock males that I kept over the winter and bred from both. However, one developed that long hanging tail like you see on some of the Barreds I see at shows....it is so far off from the pictures I see in the SOP. At any rate, he went to another farm and I kept his 1/2 brother with a tail not nearly as long.

Scott.......I dont' know how the barreds get away with that either. I guess if a judge see's an actual tail on a barred rock they don't realize it can be too long...lol Without looking in the SOP, the only longer tailed breed in the American class that comes to mind is the Lamona.

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