CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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I was curious about the green/ purple sheen issue. What I found was that Ap may be related to the presence of green sheen, while ap+ is associated with the absence of green and presence of purple. If you have a bird that its ap+/ap+, and crossed it with a bird carrying Ap, you should be able to eliminate the purple sheen -right? If a bird is Ap/ap+ do they have both green and purple?
It seems like the last couple of years , if it needs to be explained, Ap probably has something to do with it. Next time, it will be the reason for the moon being made of green cheese. Frankly, I am not impressed. Nor do I believe that Ap (or the lack of it) seems to be credited for solving a plethora of hitherto poultry plumage mysteries. It seems best to base a testimony on the presence of 2 or 3 witnesses. So far, I see only the work of one breeder. Personally, it will take more time and varied duplications of that breeders work for me to become a believer in all things "Ap".
It seems like the last couple of years , if it needs to be explained, Ap probably has something to do with it. Next time, it will be the reason for the moon being made of green cheese. Frankly, I am not impressed. Nor do I believe that Ap (or the lack of it) seems to be credited for solving a plethora of hitherto poultry plumage mysteries. It seems best to base a testimony on the presence of 2 or 3 witnesses. So far, I see only the work of one breeder. Personally, it will take more time and varied duplications of that breeders work for me to become a believer in all things "Ap".

In my experience purple barring has been genetic AND/OR feed. I believe that feed will make the purple barring worse if the bird has the genetic propensity to have it, while some birds of the same breed will never get it, even if you feed them a diet of yellow corn. The problem with basing some of this stuff on genetics is.......most of us don't really know what our birds are carrying. You have learned a lot Karen. You get the Sunday cookie.

I was curious about the green/ purple sheen issue. What I found was that Ap may be related to the presence of green sheen, while ap+ is associated with the absence of green and presence of purple. If you have a bird that its ap+/ap+, and crossed it with a bird carrying Ap, you should be able to eliminate the purple sheen -right? If a bird is Ap/ap+ do they have both green and purple?
Hi 1muttsfan! I feel like a total idiot becasue the only Ap (apterous) I know of is in fruitflies indicating the presence of abscence of wings. Obviously this is not correct for chickens. Could you please elaborate what this gene does in chickens and maybe give me a link to a tutorial. Thanks!
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I moved the pullets in with the laying hens yesterday to separate them from the cockerels and buy me some time. The cockerel cull will happen in stages. I'll cull one or two in the next couple of days. Will take out 4-5 more in a week or two. Then I'll sit with them for a while before taking another 4-5. Should leave me with 3-5 cockerels. Final number will depend on flock dynamics once the numbers are a little more balanced. My goal this year was one decent trio, so I really only need one cockerel. 3-5 would give me some backup birds just in case.

One of the cockerels I thought I wanted to keep has started getting agressive with me. I'm attempting to school him. Hope he responds. If not, he's out of here.

Ever hear of Murphy's Law? If you keep just one he's die. Keep three & they'll all be fine.
For this same reason, I am really focusing my eye on the cockerels in my CW pen. I have been really lucky to have kept my one rooster alive for two years as the single rooster for breeding. Only with close monitoring and careful feeding, have I been able to keep him strong and healthy. But that has been with fingers crossed. I'm hoping to breed two or three nice cockerels but have more pullets than cockerels hatching over the two years.
Ap - wild-type Autosomal pheomelanin, and ap+ - absence of Autosomal pheomelanin.
I am currently fighting the ABSENCE of Ap in my COl Rocks LF.....thus resulting in brassiness in the hackle/saddle areas. A poultry genetics expert (NOT ME!!) had me cross a CR male to a well typed BR female, keeping the solid black FEMALE offspring. I just crossed these female "solid blacks" to a well typed CR male....hatch occuring as we speak. I am looking for CR looking males, that express NO brassiness. IF there are any, I will cross them back to their dam so that they will carry 2 copies of Ap....and hopefully have removed the brassiness issue in my males.

Its like an adult science experiment!!
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