CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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It only took a well known breeder out here a couple of years to lose the wing carriage in the females. He should stick to bantams, he does a much better job with them (oe's Leghorns, Moderns). Other folks are rasing them now, so I think they will be improved. I may get back into them in a year or so, Orpingtons are nice birds.


i hope you do walt..you will straighten a few things out..that wing always bothered me..somehow it didnt fit the breed..i see it everywhere..thought, wonder whats going on with that..maybe they focused a little too hard on wide skull..forgot everything else..
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Dragonlady, I believe the technical terms for your birds are

("Floofy" is a variant of "fluffy" and means really, really fluffy.)

Ahem. I"ll go the the back of the classroom now. Carry on.

Thank you. If you look at the mother of the K and the P on my avatar, you can see that my cock bird, Monty, has actually shortened the skirts to conform to the SOP. The English birds who conform to the British standard are very useful.
To be clear, I was using fluffy/floofy as a good thing -- it's beautiful -- not saying that they had too much fluff for the SOP, because obviously I wouldn't know the Buff Orpington SOP if it hit me over the head. They're just such gorgeous birds!
To be clear, I was using fluffy/floofy as a good thing -- it's beautiful -- not saying that they had too much fluff for the SOP, because obviously I wouldn't know the Buff Orpington SOP if it hit me over the head. They're just such gorgeous birds!
I love big, squishy fluffy birds ! I just hate underfluff trailing in the mud. I want short, dense fluff, not long , stringy fluff. Still gives the chicks a place to brood under DRY fluff. Thanks for your compliments !
I dont know if it is just the picture, but it looks like this birds under fluff is white on this bird, she looks really good otherwise though.
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I dont know if it is just the picture, but it looks like this birds under fluff is white on this bird, she looks really good otherwise though.
She is GOLD to the roots. She was still shedding baby feathers in this photo. That's why you see that patchy effect of a few old baby feathers.
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This blue English is growing pretty well. He has good wings. I do not like his comb. He has 6 points and it sets to low for my eye. For such a young bird he has potential. His chest is filling out really nice. I think his fluff should molt out a bit tighter around his legs. (I hope)

You can see quite a bit of his leg, so I do not think it is too excessive. He is a very large bird. That is a regular garbage can behind him.

I love this black Orp. She is compact, short back, huge eyes and perfect comb. I love her huge chest and all around personality. Her leg feathers are too long, however her chicks did not freeze in the snow and wet. When she went into brood most of her legs and belly feathers were pulled out for nesting for her chicks. I would like tighter feathering. I do not like the line under her wing. I would like a bit more height in her scull. She has beautiful green sheen.

critiques welcome.
Where are the SOP birds..front, rear and side views please!!

Delisha, I like them alot..but I dont count..
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