CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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Well to good news is this boy has the substance to be a correct Dorking He just needs his station changed. Just mentally lower his whole chassis.
His body needs to squat down on top of his legs. That should cause his legs to have that slight 30 degree angle from back to front, so desirable on Dorkings.
Also cause his neck to settle back on his shoulders a bit more. I am not sure if changing the elevation of the chassis on the legs will help the tail angle or not. I think perhaps a little but , in addition, more length of back may be required to accomplish a better tail set. The Dorking is not a breed of curves like the Sussex, it is built of angles. a parallelogram.

Also cause his neck to settle back on his shoulders a bit more. No, I don't think this is right. The neck will move more forward instead, Walt?
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That was fun here is another one for you.

Silver Gray Dorking Hen:

Again not at all show quality, But these are the two nicest Dorkings I have. I think her tail set is too high, comb does not have enough points, and she has white earlobes. Legs and body shape seem better then the rooster. Please let me know what you think?
Since this thread started, I started making a check list of the general characteristics to watch for when selecting to the SOP. I'm sure this general list isn't finished but...the advice from the judges and breeders comes with each breed we discuss....so far the list seems to fit the points discussed with each breed. Please feel free to edit my list as I'm still learning.

Select for: Type first then color ("build the barn before you paint it")
Health and vigor as well as egg production, meat production depending on your chosen outcome
Type: the general look of the bird based on the Standard of the chosen breed
Contour line: top line- head to neck to back to tail. under line- neck to breast to leg(thigh) to tail...also consider leg placement and leg set
Body type: Each breed has it's own look but the body should be broad, full breasted, a wide pelvic spread, keel requirement and a wide space between the legs
Head shape and width: a wider head with no crow headed allowed
Comb and wattles, ear lobes: Is the texture and shape correct for the breed
Eye Color: correct for breed
Neck: how does it set on the shoulders and is the contour correct
Back: does it conform to the required standard slope, length and width
Wing set: how does the wing follow the contour of the body
Tail set: the angle or slope compared to the body contour. Is the shape of the tail proper, is there a proper T-pee (no pinched tails)
Feather: texture - soft or hard depending on breed, tight or loose
Leg: proper colored shanks and feet, clean or feathered according to breed
Feet: proper color on top and bottom, proper number of toes, correct set of toes
Skin color: correct for breed.
Color: Know the SOP requirements for each variety within the breed
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Look at that lovely curve. Is this a good thing in a Dorking like it is (I assume) in some other breeds?
(Ignore the straight line. My program put that in.)

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That was fun here is another one for you.

Silver Gray Dorking Hen:

Again not at all show quality, But these are the two nicest Dorkings I have. I think her tail set is too high, comb does not have enough points, and she has white earlobes. Legs and body shape seem better then the rooster. Please let me know what you think?
I am no expert, but I rather like her silhouette and body carriage except for the extreme tailset. (Wonder what causes that?) would like to see a top-down view to confirm, but it also looks like she may taper off to the rear...coloring looks good. wingset looks good in the side shots but low in the front shot.

in Leonbergers (dog showing) we call that "happy tail"
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I judged Forrests birds at a Langshan national in AZ and he liked my judging, so he got me the Sooner Classic job. He didn't win best Langshan at either show but the birds that did probably came from him. He was very gracious about not winning.

I wish we could get the Sooner Classic going again. That's the first place I ever had the chance to see true show birds.
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