CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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I am sooo excited about the Dorkings! I have 4 left out of the 20 we started with (hatchery chicks) all SGD! So far they have almost perfect leg color ( very light pink, should get more white-ish as they get older) They're still moltin their fluff so they currently look like little lepers. My question is this: How do you get SOP from hatchery chicks? My guess is start with these buggers then get some from a breeder. On that note, besides Horstman, are there ANY reputable SGD breeders? I live in rural Georgia and would prefer someone close to home but I'm guessing I'm outta luck.
Got my APA Yearbook today. Wow, what feast. All the usual ads and news plus 26 articles! Lovely colored ads. I especially enjoyed the article by Judge Adkins on A new way of "old" judging for Standard Bred Poultry. What a treat. All about judging poultry for utilitarian traits. Lots of breed articles too; Java, Junglefowl, Chanteclers, Plymouth Rocks, Buff Wyandottes and more.
I gotta say this Yearbook is a great reason to join the APA.
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Did you see the ads for the Rhode Island Red Club? Ruth went nuts and go a bunch of people to buy into it. Hopefully, the club will get new members and keep on the move. Have not heard in a while from the Club Sec. I don't know if he comes on this board anymore or not.

The Plymouth Rock club I think had some pages but more in the ABA yearbook this year as more people are bantam rock breeders.

Glad you liked it.

Nice colored Dorkings at least they are trying to be Dorkings. I don't know what Joseph thinks of the type. He ahs the While ones and should have a good eye for this type.
Quote: Great ads, yeah! That Dragonlady ad was awesome. Is the same Dragonlady as oo our list?
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Ok, so where are we at with the Dorkings? What is the topic for discussion this week?
Capacity, capability, silhouette, plumage, extremities, or?
Any one got more pics?
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