CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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Anyone serious about breeding will this find material uniquely enriching and enlightening.  Worthy of reading again and again. 

You're right, Fred.
And for people like me, who can't keep a thought in their heads long enough to look up a link,

American Poultry Association

Buy the SOP
thanks for the link. I saw a book "Poultry Showmanship" when I followed your link. Has anyone purchased the book and is it a tutorial for those of us who have never shown but might be interested some day?
That book is for 4H showmanship, it doesn't tell you how to show chickens. I don't know if there is such a book.....There should be one.


Hmmm... sounds like you have a project in all of your spare time :)

Thanks for the reply and for all if your wonderful expertise!
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That book is for 4H showmanship, it doesn't tell you how to show chickens. I don't know if there is such a book.....There should be one.

There is a book for show poultry. it is called Exhibiting Poultry For Pleasure and Profit. it is a very good book a learned all kinds of things from it.  
Thanks for the tip! Wonderful advice from someone with such gorgeous birds!
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That book is for 4H showmanship, it doesn't tell you how to show chickens. I don't know if there is such a book.....There should be one.

the few that i have seen around at different ag stores give what might be some wrong advice like trimming feathers.it was a 4 h book ...some of the old books like shell to showroom give advise all be some of it outdated like the shampoos of the day and whitening agents.

.today , the rose collection equine white magic is just that......magic at helping whiten feathers.....but the bird handeling ...training isnt much different in the old books..hope a few people in apa take the time to write books for kids..
The APA and ABA have extensive youth programs and both donate lots of money to the youth. In California half of the exhibitors are young exhibitors at the shows here.

Quote: oh why thanks. It is a older book so the only place I think they sell then at is Murray McMurray Hatchery. I am not sure if other hatcheries will sell that book. But that is were I got mine from. try this link and see if it works good. http://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/exhibiting_poultry_for_pleasure_and_profit.html. oh and while you are at it look at the exhibitors kit!! the poultry shampoo they put in there works great!
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I wrote a article last night its in rough draft on I Want to Show my Rhode Island Reds but Don't Know how. Its a 90 day pre show method and all you got to do is change Reds to your breed. I am just trying to help some of my guys get a male or female or two to a show for the first time. Training and coop preparing the birds two months before is what I am trying to help them do and give them enough confidence that when they place their bird in the show coop they will not feel embarrassed as they have no clue what they should be do
After their first show and they watch the other put their birds in and see what all the other exhibitors do they should have a handle on it and then their next trip they will feel more confident.

When I get it done I will post it on my web site for wll to see.. I am also working on a serious of articles on Taking White Plymouth Rock large fowl from the egg shell to the show room in breeding hatching brooding, growing culling, picking the show birds pre and post conditioning, training and transportation. It will take me six months to complete but its needed to help the one or two people who want to take over the breed and the color patterns they want to continue . Its going to be a article like never written as I am using the concept of visual verbiage and I pad and I phone technology.

Can you be leave a person can be at a show and send me pictures from their cell phone and I can text them back or call them in less than one minute and tell them which bird to buy.

Heck I caught a fish on the river took its picture and posted it on my Fishing Forum in less than one minute for all my buddies to see. The new technology will make education on Poultry so much easier than ever before. Others can do the same it does not have to be published in a book they just want to read it somewhere. They just want to learn. The Chosen Ones that is.
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