CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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You folks should have egg shows, It is a great way to promote the breed and they can be sent to a show for judging
Peter Ovalle has done a great job with this for the Marans club. The British are big in this and have egg shows for Wellies, It is a good way to get this breed in the public eye and at the same time help insure good egg color.

:) - we do have egg shows in our area of Texas (Austin and surrounding areas) - however, we often don't have any entries from Wellies...perhaps next year I will change that :)
The Campine Breed.

As the unit begins, let us review, briefly, the classroom rules. For those who may be new to this CSU thread, this isn't an online show. It is intended to be a platform for fanciers of each breed presented to show, discuss and help each other in better understanding the challenges associated with breeding the Campine to the SOP.

Note: At the end of each unit, the thread is expunged of all small talk, classroom chatter and the like. It is highly appreciated when all students strive to keep the session on track. Kindly use private messaging for side bar conversations so as not to disrupt the class. Thank you and thanks in advance for all who contribute so richly to these class presentations.
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I'll be first to take a swing at Campines


This is my pullet. This picture is 4 months of age. She needs better pencilling in tail and front of neck (I will get better photos and current ones this week as well as weights) I like her body shape and tail angle.


The cockerel, again happy with the body shape and tail angle, but what really shines on him is the front view which I'll have to get later. He needs more pencilling in tail as well but am happy that there is some, gives me hope going forward.

On both of them I like the head, proper size comb and wattles on the male, good lobe color and good dark eyes.

My biggest concerns in my mind are weight (will be checking with scale soon, they're 22 weeks old now and the pullet just started laying today), tail angle (both have started holding it about 10 degrees higher now than in these photos, but also got some tail coverts picked by other birds that are growing back), cleaning up the pencilling on tail. I also will need to try and get pencilling to go higher up on the neck in front, and more black in pullets chest, but she does have pencilling not lacing as some I've seen.

Anyway, there's my thoughts and will have more when I can get out to take new photos. Please comment away.
I'll be first to take a swing at Campines

This is my pullet. This picture is 4 months of age. She needs better pencilling in tail and front of neck (I will get better photos and current ones this week as well as weights) I like her body shape and tail angle.

The cockerel, again happy with the body shape and tail angle, but what really shines on him is the front view which I'll have to get later. He needs more pencilling in tail as well but am happy that there is some, gives me hope going forward.

On both of them I like the head, proper size comb and wattles on the male, good lobe color and good dark eyes.

My biggest concerns in my mind are weight (will be checking with scale soon, they're 22 weeks old now and the pullet just started laying today), tail angle (both have started holding it about 10 degrees higher now than in these photos, but also got some tail coverts picked by other birds that are growing back), cleaning up the pencilling on tail. I also will need to try and get pencilling to go higher up on the neck in front, and more black in pullets chest, but she does have pencilling not lacing as some I've seen.

Anyway, there's my thoughts and will have more when I can get out to take new photos. Please comment away.

Congrats on the first egg! I am very excited about starting this breed since I don't know much about them.

I was wondering what the correct tail angle is for Campines? Do you want to see the tenting on the tail like you have with the other breeds we have talked about--from the side it looks like it is pretty minimal? Pretty birds!
I had some hatchery quality Golden Campines but one of the roosters looked good in the feather pattern, conformation, eye color, and the ear lobe color. the only problem was his comb was to large and had to many points. sadly all my campines had died before I could show any of them.
Congrats on the first egg! I am very excited about starting this breed since I don't know much about them.

I was wondering what the correct tail angle is for Campines? Do you want to see the tenting on the tail like you have with the other breeds we have talked about--from the side it looks like it is pretty minimal? Pretty birds!

The male tail is 45 degree's above horizontal and the female 40 degree's. The tail should be well expanded on the male and moderately spread on the female.

Okay, here are some pics to go over. I know these fowl are lacking in many areas. That's okay, they are going to be a starting point. Don't hold back any opinion, I can take it. I see lots of problems with them and I have not got a trained eye! I do want you to know, though, that neither bird has been conditioned or bathed. The yellow in the neck feathers is dirt. The weight is below what it should be due to small size, but also lack of condition.

This is Adam, he is about 18 months old, he weighs 3lbs 8oz. The pics with the black in the background were taken last week, the blue background ones were taken today.

Neither of these two have been trained or handled much. Getting good pics was a challenge. It has been raining here on and off for weeks. I was surprised to see how dirty they got in just a few days time.
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