CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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Stvn - have you weighed them?  I bought a scale and weighed mine last week for the first time.  I was suprised at how LIGHT they are!  I really expected they were below the 6lb. ideal, but my "big" rooster was just over 4lbs!  I was shocked!  It blows my mind to think he is the size the hens should be. We have our work cut out for us........

Preston - what does Richter weigh?

Sorry for the delay! Richter weighs 4 lb.s but is only a cockerel so fingers crossed he will gain some weight.:fl

I once heard of something about feeding a chicken broiler or turkey feed to fatten them up. I am not too sure about that, I haven't used it, but just wanted to bring it up...
Ross, you have no need to back out. We need as many people here as possible to discuss our beloved Campine. You are obviously well educated, and so is Walt. Not everybody will agree on everything, and No matter where we come from we are still human. That being said, I understand both Walts and your posts.

Walt is just telling us that once we can understand the flaws in our birds, the better we can know what to try to breed out of them.

I am the junior here and am trying to figure out how to breed for better birds an about the campine chicken in general. And I bet that yall thought I was just like you. But no, I'm not and I'm not here to get into some fight and back out.

So, if you decide to leave this post, I am sorry. It was sure nice to learn something from your work. If you change your mind and stay, then thank you, from all of us who read your pages and appreciate your dedication.

Good post. I am not upset and I have no problem accepting that Ross knows more about Campines than I do. Helping people to learn the basics of a breed is no mystery and if I can't teach someone who knows nothing a lot in an hour, then I guess that is just one of those differences of opinions. Maybe I have too much confidence in my old age. I will be 75 in a couple months and I have schooled and tested a number of judges that have licenses now.. Most judges don't know Campines at all, Ross does......no question about that! It would be good if you would continue to share your knowledge Ross, no one here knows what you know about this breed.

Sorry for the delay! Richter weighs 4 lb.s but is only a cockerel so fingers crossed he will gain some weight.

I once heard of something about feeding a chicken broiler or turkey feed to fatten them up. I am not too sure about that, I haven't used it, but just wanted to bring it up...

He has to gain 2 lbs and typically US judges underestimate the weights of birds.....I'm not sure he will add two pounds by the time he is a cock. This is a question Ross would be able to help with. I raised them, but it was back in the early 70's and I don't remember now how they come down the home stretch in terms of weight.

Clueless lurker here... do breeders have to double mate Campines or is it possible to get well marked birds by single mating?

I bred Golden Campines for a few years & I single mated. Had both males & females make it to Champion Row so i'd have to say you can single mate successfully.
Sorry for the delay! Richter weighs 4 lb.s but is only a cockerel so fingers crossed he will gain some weight.

I once heard of something about feeding a chicken broiler or turkey feed to fatten them up. I am not too sure about that, I haven't used it, but just wanted to bring it up...
Try Calf Manna and HULLED sunflower seeds on your cockerels from 4 months on.
Of course, on second thought, if the cock actually weighs 6.2lbs, he would be a monster compared to all the other Campines and the judge would likely have him weighed (do they ever do that?) Is it any worse or does it cause a greater deduction, to come in over the ideal weight, instead of under it?
Quote: How much per bird? What about pullets? Would they benefit from it as well?

I know you are talking about improving condition with proper nutrition, and I'm all for that, but will beefing up the boys help to increase the size in your lines? Okay, I'm not dense, I know that fat parents don't make for fat offspring, but will healthier, stronger, fitter, parent stock pass on stronger frames, feathers, and organs to the next generation. - maybe affecting the size?

I don't think I am getting my thoughts across well tonight. What I am wondering is this, If you have one pen that is getting supplemented and one pen (same lines) that are not, will F5 be larger in the first pen, even if they are not supplemented starting at four months - or will they be the same size as the F5 in the second pen? Will the F5s in the second pen be as big as the ones in the first pen if they are then supplemented starting at 4 months?
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Try Calf Manna and HULLED sunflower seeds on your cockerels from 4 months on.
At Vickie's suggestion I began feeding my Columbian Rocks Calf Manna at an early age (I mixed it with cooked grits/eggs.....any Yankees here might call it Polenta, LOL).....I have seen a HUGE difference in the size of my cockerels this season and I have to believe the Calf Manna and the protein in it made a large difference. I normally added 1/2 cup of CM to 4 cups of cooked grits (yellow, not white)/eggs and fed it to my youngsters at about 8 weeks on....
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