CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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Speaking of nasty roosters, how about the young boys that arent really nasty but they cant get the hang of mating....they will just grab onto a hen any old place and then let her drag them around while she's screaming bloody murder. They don't court the hen to get her to squat, they just grab and it doesn't go too well. How long should you give those boys to learn to do it right or is there probably no hope when they start out like that?
It has been my experience that when you have young cockerals coming up in a flock with one or more older roosters, they all start out that way. They know that as soon as they try to hop on, the alpha will come kick their butts. They don't have time for foreplay and the hens won't stand still, much less squat, for them, anyway. Hence the "grab ahold and hang on" tactic! I had several that turned out to be good roosters (to their girls) once they were the alpha. I also had several that never made it to alpha, and were never very mannerly with the girls. Some of the best roosters I've had were young when put in with the old biddies. The hens taught them to be polite and chastised them severely if they forgot. The old hens don't put up with foolish behavior from young cockerals. The cockerals learn if they want to mate, they have to sweet talk the hens.
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Silver Spangled Hamburg Bantams

The first two pictures are pullets (6 to 8 mos old) and last picture is an aged hen (said to be five years old)
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