CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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She was a POL in these pictures. And yes she is not an SOP color, but since there's surprisingly not much going on here with the polish and my silvers are pretty bad looking at the moment. I'll use her pictures from earlier this year. So please over look her color. I'll have to pull some other polish out and get pictures of them (if they aint too bad looking).

Shows nice even lacing

I would like a bigger/ fuller crest and hoping that after her first molt (that's she is currently in) her crest colors come out right. I would also like a bigger/ fuller beard on her.

Has a nice tail angle, might be a little high, but I want to get the main tail feathers laced better

If this just wont do for the polish breed discussion, feel free to pull it Fred's Hens.
Goal of thread - put up photos of your birds and YOU discuss what you think of them (type, coloring, size, etc).  Others are welcome to critique them as well.   Ask questions, discuss whatever comes up about the birds that are being reviewed as a learning experience about the breed.  Sometimes some of the judges that are on BYC will come by and give you their opinions - other times they don't.  Sometimes it's hit or miss on a judge getting onto the thread.  Sometimes the judges have given their opinions and had people get offended so that may also be a reason that a judge has not made any comments on a bird.

When few people have the breed being discussed, there is usually not much going on with the thread.

Ok I guess I misunderstood. I am not a pro breeder of anything and did not breed these myself, they were bought. I would like critique on them as my daughter plans to show them in 4h if they are worthy of bringing. I will not get offended or have feelings hurt so fire away if you care too ;)
Quote: OK, thank you for letting us know how it works. I was thinking the same thing you were, that's why I posted a variety of birds that I've had (most did not stay but was hoping someone would confirm as to why). I think the slowness of this breeds conversation proves either two things, we're as confused as our birds
or that there are not enough people working on this breed.

Quote: OK....let me help you begin ....... if this isn't squirrel tail, would you able to post a picture of what is? And share why this bird doesn't have squirrel tail? That would be helpful. Thank you.

She was a POL in these pictures. And yes she is not an SOP color, but since there's surprisingly not much going on here with the polish and my silvers are pretty bad looking at the moment. I'll use her pictures from earlier this year. So please over look her color. I'll have to pull some other polish out and get pictures of them (if they aint too bad looking).

Shows nice even lacing

I would like a bigger/ fuller crest and hoping that after her first molt (that's she is currently in) her crest colors come out right. I would also like a bigger/ fuller beard on her.

Has a nice tail angle, might be a little high, but I want to get the main tail feathers laced better

If this just wont do for the polish breed discussion, feel free to pull it Fred's Hens.
The lacing is beautiful and what a little chunky monkey she is! Love her size. What are you going to use to improve her crest size? Do you have a roo you're going to work with?
The lacing is beautiful and what a little chunky monkey she is! Love her size. What are you going to use to improve her crest size? Do you have a roo you're going to work with?
I had her with a silver laced rooster that has a good crest and I plan on putting her with a different silver laced rooster that also has a good crest this coming spring.
Quote: From what I understand, this is not Squirrel Tail because the tail does not come forward beyond the 90 degree vertical line. I drew a 90 degree angle on your image. Hope you don't mind. If this was a squirrel tail, the tail would cross over the vert. red line. Hope this helps.
I have been raising polish for 4 years or so now. I show mostly bantam polish in several colors. The only LF polish I have are Buff Laced. Here are a few pictures of a couple of my young pullets. (Sorry for the lack of full body shots) They are about 4.5-5 months old in these pictures. They still have more filling out to do. I have been working with them for about 2 years now. This year I have seen an improvement in the lacing and the body size. I know a few other people that breed LF Buff Laced and they are also working on the size of the birds as well. I started out with females that were on the smaller scale for the Standard. I am happy with the improvements I've made this year, but they still need a lot of work.

I like their temperament. They are really fairly calm. I have not had an issue with aggressive rooster in LF or Bantams. I don't let any of my polish free range at all. I find their limited vision due to their crests to hinder their ability to protect themselves from overhead predators. We have a lot of hawks and owls in our area, so it just isn't worth the risk.

We have very hot summers and very cold winters living in the high desert. I worry more about them in the heat than I do in the cold.

Beautiful! I love the rich buff color and crisp lacing in their crests! Let us know how they do at the show!
Thank YOU! So I've been culling a little too heavily for what I thought was a squirrel tail. I still like the tail set a little lower. Is there an ideal tail set? Thank you for taking the time to explain.

According to the SOP the tail angle of the Polish should be at 45 degrees so yes the tail should be lower. It is hard to tell, but in the photo to looks like your roosters tail set at about 70 degrees. I will post a photo of the degrees in a while. Im fooling around in photoshop now.
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I have been raising polish for 4 years or so now. I show mostly bantam polish in several colors. The only LF polish I have are Buff Laced. Here are a few pictures of a couple of my young pullets. (Sorry for the lack of full body shots) They are about 4.5-5 months old in these pictures. They still have more filling out to do. I have been working with them for about 2 years now. This year I have seen an improvement in the lacing and the body size. I know a few other people that breed LF Buff Laced and they are also working on the size of the birds as well. I started out with females that were on the smaller scale for the Standard. I am happy with the improvements I've made this year, but they still need a lot of work.

I like their temperament. They are really fairly calm. I have not had an issue with aggressive rooster in LF or Bantams. I don't let any of my polish free range at all. I find their limited vision due to their crests to hinder their ability to protect themselves from overhead predators. We have a lot of hawks and owls in our area, so it just isn't worth the risk.

We have very hot summers and very cold winters living in the high desert. I worry more about them in the heat than I do in the cold.

Can't tell much about type but the colour is very nice.
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