CSU - Chicken State University- Large Fowl SOP

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I just created a diagram in Photoshop that shows the tail angle for the various breeds. I have not had anyone proof it, so there may be errors. If you find any, let me know and I will fix em.

Edited: To add Marans
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Ok I guess I misunderstood. I am not a pro breeder of anything and did not breed these myself, they were bought. I would like critique on them as my daughter plans to show them in 4h if they are worthy of bringing. I will not get offended or have feelings hurt so fire away if you care too

I'm familiar with the strain you purchased & it's a good one. Your pictures make it hard to evaluate the birds. Try new pics with more chicken & less scenery. Best is if they're standing on a flat surface & the picture is shot straight on rather than down on the bird.

ETA: in another post you referred to the birds as your "babies". That means I probably won't comment on them even if you post better pictures. I'm finally getting the message that people who are emotionally invested in their birds don't really want an honest critique, they want only "they're beautiful" comments.
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Quote: Well yes, of course I do. .....along with tons of pictures I've gathered in the last few years and articles that I think will help me, all in a reference file I keep. But talking about these things with visuals of real birds, conversation beyond the textbook, interactive critique with a variety of type of birds (that helps train someone's eye) is what I thought this thread was for. So what's the point of CSU if you just refer someone back to the textbook?

The birds I've shared were all under 6 months, I only have two of those birds left in my flock. I chose pictures of some young birds I've had because that's about the age "I" start paying more attention to what the bird may grow into...or not. I thought it would be helpful to use those photos to get the conversation going. Instead I get "I wouldn't know where to start" from NYREDS and you referring me to the standards textbook. I obviously have misunderstood the goal of this thread. These comments are nothing but degrading and off putting, not at all in line with a teaching forum.

Thank you Walt, Juststruttin and NoseyChickens for taking the time to constructively participate in this topic.

I've taught art and stained glass professionally since I was 18 and I have answered the same questions a million different ways so that my students understand what I'm teaching them. I have also stood by the belief that there are no "stupid questions" and in all these years I have most certainly never referred someone who came to me with questions, to a textbook....especially in a teaching forum. But I love what I do and "if" I should lose my passion and no longer want to share it, I'll bow out and let those who still have their passion to share, do so. I would never want to get in the way of someone who is seeking knowledge or deter them from their passion with a comment that would be less than constructive.

I just created a diagram in Photoshop that shows the tail angle for the various breeds. I have not had anyone proof it, so there may be errors. If you find any, let me know and I will fix em.

Edited: To add Marans
Wow, you have been busy! I've really used the diagram someone made for Marans and I can see this will be such a great tool. Thank you again for taking the time to teach in a visual way, which from my experience is how people learn the easiest.

Quote: How important is it that the roosters with a better crest have equally good lacing as the hen or can you use a less, well laced bird w/a bigger crest to improve the crest w/o risking the lacing? I know everyone's birds are in some state of molting but would you be able to share pics of the birds you're working with?

Also, I know in breeding dogs that if I wanted to say, lengthen the nose, I would breed with a dog with a nose just a bit longer then my dog, or risk causing bite issues. Is there a similar reason that you mention that you will use two different roos or are you just testing who does the better job?
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I just created a diagram in Photoshop that shows the tail angle for the various breeds. I have not had anyone proof it, so there may be errors. If you find any, let me know and I will fix em.

Edited: To add Marans
I haven't taken the time to look up other breeds, but in the Andalusians, I double checked... the male's tail is to be set at 40* and the female at 30*

I don't know if you want to get into that much detail or not but thought I'd throw it out there.
How important is it that the roosters with a better crest have equally good lacing as the hen or can you use a less, well laced bird w/a bigger crest to improve the crest w/o risking the lacing? I know everyone's birds are in some state of molting but would you be able to share pics of the birds you're working with?

Also, I know in breeding dogs that if I wanted to say, lengthen the nose, I would breed with a dog with a nose just a big longer then my dog, or risk causing bite issues. Is there a similar reason that you mention that you will use two different roos or are you just testing who does the better job?
I could get pictures of the roosters, but all are without their tails
only one of the blue laced roosters has A single tail feather. My silver laced roosters are pretty even in their lacing, so by switching roosters, I am getting different genetics in the offspring and seeing which cross works best. I will have to let this years chicks grow a bit more to see if they end up with the thicker lacing of the dad or the thinner lacing of the mom or in between the two. I have a few sisters to this hen who came off with more crest, but are basically not laced at all (a few blue feathers with a small white center or black feathers with poor white centers) These are going in with my 3rd silver laced rooster to see if I can improve on the hen's lacing. Hope this helps you out some and I didn't confuse you.

One thing I have noticed in some of my older silver laced hens during this molt, is that some of the crest feathers are coming in completely white. Is this normal or do I need to breed away from this?
I haven't taken the time to look up other breeds, but in the Andalusians, I double checked... the male's tail is to be set at 40* and the female at 30*

I don't know if you want to get into that much detail or not but thought I'd throw it out there.

You are absolutely correct. This diagram is for the males. I updated the files so now it reads "Males" so not to confuse anyone. Thanks for pointing that out.
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