Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

Looking good!!!!
Cubalayas seem like an awesome breed. Very self sufficient, excellent broodies, excellent foragers. How about cold weather? Anyone in a similar climate to me with Cubalayas? thanks.
I live in PA. My birds have tolerated zero and slightly below many times with no insulation, no heat, and no harm done. I do have wind blocked off, and good ventilation, and nice wide wooden roosts. They have very small or no wattles, and small pea combs, so, no frostbite. They are not "hard feathered" like most other orientals, they have fairly thick feathers, they seem to take cold well.
Thanks, do you think they could take -25 degrees? My barn is 12 by 16, unheated, uninsulated, but draft free.
I think they are as cold tolerant as anything out there without much fat-they are a lean breed, not fatty, so, they are not going to have the fattiness to protect them, but, I would imagine they could take that kind of cold, so long as you keep them out of the wind, and give them enough roost to cover their toes. We have only ever had -25 or -30 here once in my life, we had RIR's and Jap bantams then, all their combs and wattles froze off, and they lost some toes, but, they all lived. The Cubas don't have the combs and wattles to freeze in the first place. You have games or game bantams yes? They are a match for those if not better in cold tolerance.
Thanks, yes I have OEGBs. Last winter I lost 1 out of 13, I think the main reason he died is because on one of our coldest days he decided to fly on top of the barn and then was to shocked to fly back down, he was up there quite a while. I think Cubalayas would be a good breed for me. Would 42 inch electric netting keep them in? I am assuming I would need to clip there wings. Do you sell hatching eggs?
thanks, Ryan
42 inch wire will not keep them in if they really want out. Clipping wings is a good start, I have a 5 foot fence and they sometimes get out even with clipped wings. Usually, they stay inside with clipped wings. As for eggs, not right now. I really need to set all I can the next 2 months or so. If they are still laying in the late summer or fall, I would consider trading you eggs. Perhaps somebody else will chime in who will have eggs for you now?

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