Cute Vinyl Chicken Car Decals for sale / LOGO Designs....Signs

Have you ordered any yet? They come with instructions.

I ordered a few, got my first one the other day. The silkie decal has a lot of
small pieces, like horns.

I ordered the angels (without horns!)
Apply on a warm day is best. When you Tape it down Burnish the top of the Application tape really well, let it sit for a few moments and let the sun warm it up (not bake) LOL Burnish again, then tilt the decal up on the hinge you made out of tape, slowly roll the BackingPaper off - if any part does not stick to the top Application tape, roll the Backing Paper back up to that part and Burnish with your finger etc, until it sticks. Then continue to remove Backing Paper(rolling it straight up back on itself works best) When off , keeping decal taunt, apply from the Top down in a left to right motion, or straight down the center, top to bottom. Let it sit on your window a little while and let the adhesive grab before removing Application tape. Burnish again. Then remove AT at an angle from left to bottom right, making sure all parts stay stuck. If you get a straggler then roll AT back to that point and Burnish, or using tweezers to pick off that part from AT and apply it to it's place by hand on glass. Burnish down again and let sit a few hours before exposing to moisture etc.
Hope this helps !!
Hi Chickenzoo, this is rughooker. I wrote to you about my daughter's business selling Olde English Bulldogges. They are really busy now with puppies, so I thought maybe I can have you make a decal for them. Maybe one of their bigger dogs in the center and and 330 584 0082 going around the dog. If you go to their site, they have lots and lots of pics. There's a really good one if you click on the left side of the page on Tank (he's the proud papa). If you have time ha ha, take a look at the puppies. The are fat little snausages! Thanks rughooker

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