cutest chicken names!

Dino for my Shamo Cross because his big like a dinosaur

Disable for my Bantam Cock because of his toes got cut since he was a chick.
I am new to chickens so bear with me. I can see names if you have a varied flock but if you have something like a dozen Australorps or Buff Orpingtons or Leghorns, is there enough distinction between chickens to actually tell them apart?
I am new to chickens so bear with me. I can see names if you have a varied flock but if you have something like a dozen Australorps or Buff Orpingtons or Leghorns, is there enough distinction between chickens to actually tell them apart?


It's not just looks, it's who usually forages over there, which ones group together, which ones are grumpy, who always preens a certain way. Expressions and actions are individual too.
Mossyroo, I'd imagine it's like being around twins/triplets/etc. They all look the same until you get to know them, then wonder how you ever mixed them up.
Right now we have:
Pepper (mix of some kind)
Sadaan (Pronounced like "Satan" with a "d". She's a black six-time, and she actually got the name because she was a little demon chick. Always pecking a people, but we couldn't name her "Satan". That's just mean.)
Laramie (mix of some kind)
Aoife (pronounce Ee-fa) (Golden Campine)
Sleepy (EE Bantam)
Jezebel (Mottled Bantam)
Chester (Speckled Sussex roo)
Chainz (White Jersey Giant roo)
Cooper (Rhode Island Red roo)

If you're confused about the hen to rooster ratio it's because we have a large group of unnamed laying hens. Partially because some of them are impossible to tell apart.

Past hens:
Twinkle Toes
It is nice when you have a idea or great thing come up in your mind that remember some one or something that so funny and enjoy to call for them..
I only have 3 but the grand children was worried about getting the names wrong so I got plastic coloured leg rings to help them identify who's who lol.

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