d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

So my new years eggs hatched. The while group looked strange when i candled at day 14 i didn't think any were going to hatch. Out if this 7 I've got three up and being naughty little chicks and another bsq working on drying and 1 mf chick trying to hatch. Two were dead before they could hatch. The mf looks iffy at this point but we'll see.

Now what's really interesting is out of the little silvers comes this odd ball. What do you think? Its such a light silver it looks almost white with very black spots and the wing quills poking out are pitch black.

So my new years eggs hatched. The while group looked strange when i candled at day 14 i didn't think any were going to hatch. Out if this 7 I've got three up and being naughty little chicks and another bsq working on drying and 1 mf chick trying to hatch. Two were dead before they could hatch. The mf looks iffy at this point but we'll see.
Now what's really interesting is out of the little silvers comes this odd ball. What do you think? Its such a light silver it looks almost white with very black spots and the wing quills poking out are pitch black.

not sure, which one is he?
Just popping in for a moment. My younger son is home from S. Korea (teaches English there) until next Monday so not spending any time on here.

Mina is on Day 13 and I candled her egg. Not growing. Darn it! Now, I'm going to have to depend on the local feed store to have their usual January shipment from Ideal, which is something I really didn't want, more hatchery birds. I'd get her two LF chicks if they got any this week or next since I really don't need more bantams. I need standard egg layers soon to replace my aging hens anyway, but since most all my stock from Ideal died of internal laying/egg yolk peritonitis, I really don't relish starting up with that crud again.

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