d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Glad to see things still moving along.

Congrats to JJ and Aubrey on the Crele. Those are some sharp looking birds.

We've had some d'Anver changes here. The Lavendar cockerel that we picked up as part of a trio last August died a couple months ago. We have no idea why though. None of the other birds have shown any signs of problems at all. After he died my son wanted to replace him right away. I made him wait for a while to make sure there wasn't some disease that was going to kill more birds.

After a couple months of "patiently" waiting I gave him the go ahead that we would look for a replacement. We sent out some emails and gat a pretty quick response from Greg Romer. We went to visit him this past weekend and not only got a new cockerel, but an amazing education on d'anvers covering breeding thoughts and how to judge the birds themselves. We looked at about 20 cockerels and handled 10 of then and made the comparisons. I think we were both a bit overwelmed. Greg is a great promoter and educator of the breed. I am very glad I decided to drive down to see him.

On Sunday, my son was out looking at his Quail and comparing all of them usning the new info from Greg. He has already put plans together on how he is going to do his breeding for fair.

Here they are on the way home. (The picture was taken while we were sitting in a parking lot, but they did ride this way over an hour.)

And then of course he had to come in the house so everyone could see him.

He doesn't have any Quail now. He said he is primarily just working with the Self Blues, Blacks, and Blues. He is starting to work with some Splash and Mottleds too.
We looked over 4 of the self blue cockerels that he had shown there. He said 3 of them placed, but we found a younger one that he thought was better so that is the one we bought.

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