d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

I agree with you, JJ. I just like Sam overall better for looks. Spike is less skittish at the moment, even almost friendly, but both are 3/4 porcelain, so someone will have a nice breeder if they would like some porcelains as well as milles.
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I hate to hear that. That thought had gone threw my mind. Almost posted to you to peirce it and try to drain it, but sight un seen just wasnt sure if it was broken or not. Either way I hate to here you lost her....

haha and yep they were silkie cross breeds sounds like on your girls . never seen such on a d'anver
Would have drained it if I thought it was fluid filled, but it was obviously all bruised and black under the skin and very hard so didn't seem like infection, which it, of course, wasn't. Hated to lose a beautiful pullet like that, but every experience adds to the head knowledge and hopefully, will help someone else. Makes you wish you had a home xray machine, eh?

Even manipulating and palpating the leg didn't elicit much reaction from Leah, only when I got up into her hip area did she flinch and cry out, so it just didn't seem to be a broken leg, at least not down the bone like it was. A real puzzler, this one was.
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Cynthia, so sorry to hear about Leah. Thank you for sharing your loss as a learning experience for the rest of us.

I have six roosters and only one hen. Miss Piggy has her choice of mates this Spring. she isn't laying yet.

As for d'Anvers in Oklahoma, I have mine, BFrancis had some..not sure which varieties. You might post on the OKIES thread in the "social" section. I'm sure there are some enablers until Aubrey finds the info on the guy he sent eggs to last year.

My large fowl have been swamping me with eggs from the breeding pens and my brooder pens are filling up...about 140 chick aged 3 days to 5 weeks. And the next hatch should put me over 200. Columbian Wyandotte, Blue Cochins and 2nd year project pens of Birchen Wyandotte and Blue Columbian Wyandottes.
Well things are looking up. I thank you for the response to my message.
And don't laugh BBB I was just about to e-mail you and ask for egg and or chick prices.
I still will in fact.
Nanakat I am sorry I didn't realize you had some....sometimes I just am not too quick to learn!
I'd be interested in some chicks or eggs from you or the other person you mentioned....I sure would like some Millie colored or some Blue, or mottled, in fact I love these d'Anvers and would consider any color. If I could figure how to post a pic I would and show you mine.
I have probably 14 to hatch this weekend and some more the 7th. I neglected to mark my eggs so some are Silkie, [all are separate and will be purebred] but just a very few.
Can't believe they all want to lay, it is sooo cold at night.
I think Meeker is not out of my realm, and I'd like to know where BFrancis lives also.
Might as well mention that I am trying to gather a few Blue Laced Red Wyandotte eggs.
I have just 7 eggs in the bator, I'd like more since I haven't candled them and not sure if fertile. [Bought eggs.]
Thanks for the help!!!!!
I just candled the eggs and all seem to be doing good.
So far every d'Anver egg is fertile since the very first one. I'm impressed.
Should have little d'Anver chicks this weekend.
Question........why can I not see anywhere to post a picture?
I just have a square to write in and no option for anything else?
I took a pic of my roo and would like an opinion on him from you experts.
I just candled the eggs and all seem to be doing good. So far every d'Anver egg is fertile since the very first one. I'm impressed. Should have little d'Anver chicks this weekend. Question........why can I not see anywhere to post a picture? I just have a square to write in and no option for anything else? I took a pic of my roo and would like an opinion on him from you experts.
Look at the upper right corner of the box you type in, you should see an arrow. Click it to expand the toolbar.

I just candled the eggs and all seem to be doing good. So far every d'Anver egg is fertile since the very first one. I'm impressed. Should have little d'Anver chicks this weekend. Question........why can I not see anywhere to post a picture? I just have a square to write in and no option for anything else? I took a pic of my roo and would like an opinion on him from you experts.
good luck with them,

and yep NANA, sorry about that totally forgot you were there too haha, you'd think I would of remembered your address !!

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