d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

eitehr way it should be dominate white based, would just be split to lavender if it was off the porcelain. which a domiante white porcelain will look awesome. working on that this year too. white tail, porcelain yellow body
Being a lover of the porcelain color, that sounds really pretty! I will be watching for pictures of those!
Hi all, It's a good day in Okie land, at least at my house. The hatch went well.
I had 16 eggs set, two developed and apparently died after a week or so but the others ALL hatched yesterday.
12 Belgian Quail and one spotted Serema and one paint Silkie.
Yippee!!!! I'd give a nickle to be able to post pics!!! Just too cute!
YES! I'd love for you to do that, I'll send pics right away.
And from what you commented I take it my roo is not "Chicken & Dumplin" quality?
I sure love him, he is GOOD boy. All eggs were fertile!
He is sweet and gentle and just a joy to have around.
Ok I have a few pictures of my 2 that hatch. 1 is definitly a millie, but the other I know is out of my goldneck hen, but now I am wondering if it could be a proclein? My dominate roo is the porcelain and the other roo is a gold neck.

So what do you all think? hope goldneck
The only way to get a porcelain out of them is if you gold neck hen is split to lavender if the porcelain roo is the daddy, or both of your gold necks are split to lavender if the gold neck roo is the daddy.I would bet gold neck, but in the pic that you are holding it, it looks kind of light colored, most of the ones I have seen have an orangish tint around the head. Are the other pic's under a red heat bulb?
JJ, it does have the slightest hint of gold on the head, but it is really faint. I think goldneck, but it seems so light, wonder why? And of course what else could it be, and goldneck with too much white? will be fun to watch it change. My goldneck roo has alot of white on his chest feathers, but he is just now getting the gold on the chest, so maybe that is an age thing.

love leanring. I am just glad I have a way right now to know which are the goldneck eggs. I think both my goldneck hens do have too much white on them. So working on improving that may take a little. Maybe they would be better off with a millie? I have a millie from this bunch that hatched several weeks ago, I expect he is a split to lavander. As I really believe all of the hens are covered by the porcelain roo. We will be seperating them soon so I will know what I have, but until then, I think all goldneck eggs will be put in the incubator.
not sure how because there's no way the goldnecks have lavender in them, they guy that made them doent have them, but that is almost 100% possitive a porcelain. You can see the blue tint to the wings and neck which is always a sign of a porcelain.
Sure you didnt have any porcelain hens around when this one was laid? could just be the light too. I should have 1 or 2 hatching this weekend. I'll try to take a pic if I think or it when they hatch for you.
But they should be orange and white down on the goldnecks.
Now if some how you got a dominate white porcelain that would be sweet!!!

and yes if you have too much mottling on the goldnecks, then breed them to millies if the milles are better marked. You'll get 50/50 of each color from them. If you have males and females of both, just swap mates for them all and have 2 breeding groups. It'll give you new blood lines to work with as well as help the over all pattern of them. Got any pics of all the adults now? Would like to see them. Maybe I can tell you the best way to breed them from that based on the color and patterns to them

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