d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Hey guys. :) how is spring? Been soo busy. I have two porcelain and two mf roo's that i need to sell or cull. Best options?

I have a pullet she looks silver quail but is alot of black. Ill get pics soon.

Time for spring eggs :)
BantamBabes, happy spring to you, too! Why not offer the roos in the Buy-Sell-Trade area of the forum? Maybe that way you can screen in favor of bantam-savvy homes for them with people familiar to the breed or to intergrating bantams into a flock which has plenty of space. Just a thought to try.

Six precious D'anvers eggs are thankfully coming in the post from Boggy Bottom Bantams!
Thank you so very much, Aubrey!
Please postal workers, be g-e-n-t-l-e with that special box!

My fiance's co-worker is an elementary science teacher who will hatch the eggs for his yearly classroom hatch project. We will be raising the day old chicks in a brooder set-up here at home. I'll hand-raise, hand-tame the chicks, and ideally keep a pullet for myself to spoil rotten
. The others will be placed as pre-spoiled, hand-tamed youngsters in loving, responsible homes.

While my fiance has raised hundreds of baby chicks since he was 9 years old, I have a lot of reading
& research to catch up on. My question is: How on earth does one survive waiting three whole weeks for adorable, teeny bantam babies
to hatch?

Oh yes-- they'll be mille fleur!
While my fiance has raised hundreds of baby chicks since he was 9 years old, I have a lot of reading
& research to catch up on. My question is: How on earth does one survive waiting three whole weeks for adorable, teeny bantam babies
to hatch?

Oh yes-- they'll be mille fleur!
The best way I have found in put eggs in the incubator every week, then you only have to wait three weeks the first time. After that it is only a week between hatches.
JJ, you've got a method down pat.
I'm really thankful to you for the advice on new chicks that you gave (sand in the brooder helps prevent pasty butt).
I'll continue to be all ears regarding what's best for D'anvers chicks to be healthy and well. I'm so glad you give your time to this thread!

At Agway, we picked up some teeny-tiny chick founts and feeders appropriate for tiny bantam chicks. Plus, Probios dispersable powder (probiotics) and some Sav-a-Chick probiotic powder, too. We found a nice metal reflector-type housing for a brooder lamp. Actually, we've decided to not use a typical brooder lamp, but instead use a ceramic reptile heat emitter. We want the chicks to not have a light in the brooder during nighttime hours. It will be more natural, less stress for them. Has anyone else done that?

On my list now is: Clean bagged playground sand, chick starter, chick grit. Anything else I'm forgetting?

Oh my goodness, mille fleur babies! I can hardly wait!
The ceramic Heaters are great, not as apt to burn out. I would still give them a light of some sort for the first couple of weeks. They will eat a while, then sleep a while,repeat it all the time. Some chick starters are kind or course for the bantams ( Purina comes to mind) you may have to grind it a little finer. I use Southern States chick starter for the first couple of weeks because it is ground like course flour and the bantams seem to eat it better. The sand will be all the grit they need also.

Thank you JJ. Okay... I need a coffee grinder then, I guess? I'll start looking online for one. We likely would use Nutrena chick starter, I'm not sure if that's too coarse for them or not.

Hmmm.. just looked at Walmart.com for coffee grinders, am wondering if a grain grinder, or spice grinder, will work best?
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Thanks, I think so, too, JJ. His chest is lighter colored than I prefer, but overall, I feel he is a good example of what he should be at this age.

Oh, here is a picture of Carly (left), her "son", the 5 week old Delawegger, Valentino, and Lucy.

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