d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Tried to get pictures to show the difference in the tiny chick and its siblings. The darkest mille was hatched the day before the blondie and the tiniest one so they're the same age, but the little pipsqueak seems like it hatched only today (it's 5 days old).

And daddy Spike.
Hatched out this little black d'anver today. I LOVE this breed; so cute. We've got another egg hatching at the moment but no signs from the other four. Will have to get some more on the go!

These three mille fleur D'Anver chicks are not quite two weeks old. I'm guessing the blondest one with the fuzzy legs is male, the other mille could go either way and the tiny one seems to be a pullet right now, though hard to say yet.

Don't even whisper the word "pullet" or it will morph into a cockeral overnight! Lol

Whatever it is, it's a shrimp! Silly goofball flogged my hand when I tried to help it outside with the others today. That means nothing as far as sex goes in this breed-just ask JJ. Stay tuned, Lisa!
They're two weeks old now. The little one still has no shoulder feathers, but she/it is sure feisty! The other two have clean buff shoulder feathers so I'm guessing both males. Bummer x2. Jury still out on the tiny one, but then again. remains to be seen if it will live. When the body is short and it doesn't develop as the others are doing, that isn't usually a good sign.

I have a one-chick-family policy since my space is limited. Somehow my black two Fizzles hatched three earlier this year, a little white and a little blue/buff columbia roo and a perl-gray girl.
My grey splash hen, hatched a little grey (maybe splash) chick and now the newest chicks:

8 days old chicks from my black/buff columbia and blue/buff columbia hens

5 days old from under my buff/white dotted hen.... maybe not the real mother.....

Hatched yesterday from my golden neck hen....

with my luck all the chicks will crow in three month from know but til then ..... aren't they cute?
The three hoodlums Carly is raising may all be cockerels. The tiny runt is getting shoulder feathers and they are clean buff/gold, no patterning, though it has a narrower comb than the other definite males. That little critter is so short and slow to develop compared to its brothers but my gosh, it will flog the heck out of my hand when I reach for it, almost every time. I've never had a chick start flogging at a week old (they're just past two weeks now).

I know JJ says the D'Anver pullets will flog too, but this one is so consistent with it and now, the super upright tail and the clear buff shoulder feathers coming in, I'm terribly afraid, @lisa67steve99 that I may have three males. Darn it! Aimee used to produce mostly pullets. What happened to her???? I'm not going to hatch any D'Anvers ever again. Even the one week old Barred Rock chick that Aimee hatched is a cockerel.

Can I just say
If it turns out to be a pullet in spite of current signs, it belongs to Lisa. If not, I have three really adorable little guys for someone. One, the lightest blonde one, has heavy leg feathers but the other two have just a hint of feathers stubs on theirs.

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