d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Ugh! I give up on getting a D'anver pullet. Gonna get those guys some stuffed animals to play with. Lol.

What you should do is get some bantam Cochin pullets, lavender ones. That cross is what Ladyhawk and I call "Coch'anvers". They usually have rose combs, feathered legs, are rounder than the D'Anvers, a bit larger also, and they are gorgeous. They are feisty pullets, though, and fierce broodies. Some come out black with silver or gold in the hackles and they carry the mottling gene, making some super cool birds the next generation.

This tiny one still has a narrow comb like a pullet, which confuses me. It's not pink like the combs on the other two, but then, it is developing much slower. Its wings are way too big for its short body. I'm not sure how strong it is, in spite of its attitude, and being less than 3 weeks old, I'm not 100% sure I'd let it go anywhere yet. I'd want to be sure it's going to get to a month old. By then, it will be obvious what sex it is.

Here are two Coch'Anvers I bred from my lavender Cochin bantam hen, Shadow.

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Here is a picture to enjoy! My Quail D'anver hen with the actual [Cortunix] quail chicks she hatched out. She is a very stubborn broody, but this is the fist time she has hatched babies because I am in the city and have not rooster. So far she seems to be a devoted mama, but interestingly she does not mind at all if I pick up her chicks or mess with her nest. She is extremely tame normally so I guess she doesn't see me as a threat she needs to protect her chicks from like most broodies do!

Here is a picture to enjoy! My Quail D'anver hen with the actual [Cortunix] quail chicks she hatched out. She is a very stubborn broody, but this is the fist time she has hatched babies because I am in the city and have not rooster. So far she seems to be a devoted mama, but interestingly she does not mind at all if I pick up her chicks or mess with her nest. She is extremely tame normally so I guess she doesn't see me as a threat she needs to protect her chicks from like most broodies do!

All my D'Anver hens are sweet broodies as far as us messing with their chicks. They do trust us. They sometimes brood together and if so, also get along with each other, but if they don't brood at the exact same time, they will fight with each other over their chicks.
Don't even whisper the word "pullet" or it will morph into a cockeral overnight! Lol
I've got 3 chicks and two more I rescued because the crazy hens kicked out of nest after they had piped. I'm looking for a clean legged milli roo. I'm not sure where you are, but I may have extra pullets.
I've got 3 chicks and two more I rescued because the crazy hens kicked out of nest after they had piped. I'm looking for a clean legged milli roo. I'm not sure where you are, but I may have extra pullets.
That would be great if you did, Karen. I can't believe that Aimee has betrayed me like this, producing mostly males after years of producing mostly pullets. Blame it on the weather!

The tiny D'Anver is male, too, I'm fairly sure. Shoulder feathers came in pure gold, though it still has a narrower comb than most cockerels I've had. It is the craziest little goofball, flogging and biting me, then jumping into my hand. Rusty3?? Silliest chick I've ever seen out of this bunch. Its body is way too short for its wings so it might just keel over eventually. The other two are gorgeous. Too bad the blondest one has full feathered legs. The largest mille male has a few feather stubs but no actual feathers on the legs. And the tiny goofball has only a few stubs as well.
Don't even whisper the word "pullet" or it will morph into a cockeral overnight! Lol ;)

I've got 3 chicks and two more I rescued because the crazy hens kicked out of nest after they had piped.  I'm looking for a clean legged milli roo. I'm not sure where you are, but I may have extra pullets.

I'm in Western North Carolina. I've driven over to Georgia for birds before and don't mind a little bit of a drive. Where are you located?
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