d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

yep, she's definately a looker,very nice hen, especially the beard quality on her. I see hers are like mine, toe nail wise, I have to trim them about twice a year.

Think everyone is having mite or lice issues this winter, seen tons of threads on here about it.

Just did the winter dusting on all my birds a week or so ago, most were clean, but did see a few of the little pain in the rears on a few. I do it two times a year and it keeps them pretty well beat down. If you ever let them get a good strong hold going, it's hard to get rid of all of them.

Hey, speaking of old english, do you have any odd ball colors? Shoot me a PM of what all you may have available. Looking for pyles, goldneck, laced, birchen, and really any of the unusual colors, dont know what you actually have though.

i think all of my birds have mites because their feayhers on their neck are gone so 7 dust???
Yep, thats what I use, I put it in an empty spice shaker and catch each bird and get it down into their feathers good. I do the whole bird but especially around the vent, tail base, and hackles. And I also dust the pens and shelters.

It would be good to do them all from time to time but if you have a large number of birds, every now an then you could load it up good in your roos feathers and as he breeds the hens , some will fall onto them and treat them as well.
No, I only got true colors of blue red, splash red, bb red and crele. But I have hatched out some wild colors from hatchery birds I picked up at my local Tractor Supply store.

Also my one set of crele had nails worse then that when I got them. I have them in an outside pen and there nails are now normal. I can only guess they were on wire all their lives.
yep, wire will do it to them for sure. Mine are all on the ground, but still have to watch the little buggers. No problem on the OEGB , was just checking. Would like to find some nice laced for my projects.
Just thought of something to do with the hatch I'm planning in March--I have a Hova with a standard turner, but these eggs would fall right through the egg holders, won't they? Do you use quail egg size holders in your turners, Aubrey? I wasn't sure what type bator you had, but probably bigger than a Hovabator, right? I do have two Hovas, but only one turner. Was planning to fill the 42 egg turner with my Rocks, Ameraucanas and D'Anvers, but guess I could hand turn these little eggs in the second Hova.
I've got 6 actually, but I hate a turner with a passion. I do have a Sportsman cabinet too, but prefer the Hovas over it.

I use the pheasant/bantam sized trays when I am just loaded to the gills and have all 7 going, they fit perfect in them. They lay a fairly large egg for their size, pheasant or guinea sized maybe a touch smaller.

They'll work in those, but yep, the standard size trays are too big.

From what I has seen here though, they do much better hand turned 2-3 times a day.
I started to have mites and or whatever those critters are but jeez, they are BAD. I noticed them on my birds yesterday and here we go....SEVIN DUST! I know they are not going to like it but it has been BAD because the darn wild birds been cooping with the chickens. Darn pesky finch looking dudes!
I periodically sprinkle birds and coop with DE- for a year now- and no buggers here. They get it in their food too!
shouldnt be a problem. Plan to hatch off a lot of those this year. I need to raise my own numbers on both, and want to get a good bit of the khaki quail going too, only wy to get them is they by product of the dun breeding, so should have a few extras for sure especially in the duns.

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