d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

They are recessive.
a black crested bird will give no set rules on what it will produce, all depends on what the line creator used to get them. so a bc to wc would be an unknown guessing game, just have to try it and see.
I hear ya, hands on is the easiest way aint it. Your's should be set in a week or so, thinking next weekend actually

Nice, Just drop me a note when those precious little babies ship. I believe I sent you my address and phone so you can call me when they get mailed if you prefer. Have you shipped to Southern NH before and if so is it typically one or two days? Can't wait!!!


bunch of times, new england in general is 1 day, some locations are 2. I will tell you for sure after they run your zip.
Hi. I need some help with this one. I hatched a few eggs the past couple of weeks and got an unusual color D'anver chick. The parents are both quail D'anvers. The chick looks like a chipmunk....its really cute.
I didn't get any of these last year. Just a weird but cute quail chick?? Or I think I've read you can get a BBR from quails? Any ideas?


yes with proper breeding bb's can come from quails, that looks exactly like my bb reds or my buff columbains at hatch. will be one or the other, my bet is bb red. If the V in color on top of the head looks reddish then for sure bb
yes with proper breeding bb's can come from quails, that looks exactly like my bb reds or my buff columbains at hatch. will be one or the other, my bet is bb red. If the V in color on top of the head looks reddish then for sure bb

Sounds like time will tell for sure
. I think the "V" does look a little reddish. Thanks so much for the expertise!​
no prolem.
Those quail defianetly have something else going on with them, even the "quail "looking ones have a tan head and V on them looks like. THEY SHOULDNT, should just be the lower face and beard muff area, not the top of the head. So those most likely have columbian or bb red mixed into the line.
Aubrey, I candled all 12 D'Anvers. Out of the 12, only one looks clear, and naturally, it's a porcelain, but it's not the one that was cracked! All seem to have little bitty peeps in there with nice veining.
that they will continue to develop normally and I'll have a coopful of little D'Anvers! I'm psyched!
They went into Day 6 tonight.

BTW, I did leave that egg in and will re-candle in a few days--don't want to take a chance on tossing a good one, though the veining was very easy to see on those shells.
woo hoo, that's great, 11 of 12, man I'm good aint I...LOL

No seriously, I very prowd for you on them, hope they all do great, and see, glad I didnt toss that one I noticed was cracked now, low and behold, it may turn out to be your show winner!!

Other one's most likely done though, they are super easy to candle, no real mistaking them at day 6, I can tell at day 3 on them most the time, but yes give it a few more days at least, never hurts. Hope all 11 make great babies for you.

Keep us posted,
I'm so excited! I went out this morning and finally found my very first egg from my Quail pullet!

Needless to say, this egg is going in the incubator.

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