d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

I really like the BBB website. Aubrey, do you (or can you) vaccinate your chicks for Marek's? I'm interested in quail D'anvers and Longtails, but I've had Marek's in my barn and don't want to bring in chicks that do not have resistance.
Thanks. I'd thought about that -- I'd have to buy eggs and vaccinate the hatchlings pretty soon after hatching. This is such a tiny breed that I suspect vaccinating the chicks is a delicate operation.
More pics--first one is Aimee




We just had a freak accident. One of my broody d'Anver hen's chicks somehow got tangled in her feathers. She was dragging the little thing as she moved. We got hold of her and took scissors to the feathers trapping the chick but by the time we got it loose it was dead. She has 3 others and she is fine. Too bad we humans can't say the same.
Of course this had to happen when we were both gone to take one of the cars to the mechanic. I don't know how long the chick was caught, poor little mite. I'm glad you were able to rescue the Cochin.
Ok, so first of all, I'm a newbie to this breed, only have hatchery stock, and realize these are not ideal. However, since I can only keep 1 or 2 of my 3 roosters I'd like to keep the best. So, if you would be willing would you tell me best and worst rooster (and why) so I can continue to learn? Thank you so much if you are willing

All 3 roosters:

Rooster A:

Rooster B:

Rooster C

Now I think I know which one I'd keep but looking forward to the experts opinion.
Aubrey would be the one to assess your birds for you, certainly.

By the way, I notice that your feeder contains what looks like only corn. Do you feed them regular feed as well? These little guys, and actually, all other chickens, need higher protein than corn provides. Corn is only about 8% protein.

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