d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!


I just love Aimee, she is BEAUTIFUL!! What a soft loving face she has

Here are a few pics of mine in their new run and one in the coop. I only have 3 0r 4 boys!! I love them all but wonder if anyone can tell if any of my 3 Dun Quail are male. They all look girl to me except statistics say that one has to be a boy. Anyone see something I don't??






Number 3 (not pictured) is very tiny and definately a girl, but I wonder about #1 which is the largest of the 3. Here are some of the others. I have three Porcelain boys for sure!



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I just love Aimee, she is BEAUTIFUL!! What a soft loving face she has

Here are a few pics of mine in their new run and one in the coop. I only have 3 0r 4 boys!! I love them all but wonder if anyone can tell if any of my 3 Dun Quail are male. They all look girl to me except statistics say that one has to be a boy. Anyone see something I don't??






Number 3 (not pictured) is very tiny and definately a girl, but I wonder about #1 which is the largest of the 3. Here are some of the others. I have three Porcelain boys for sure!


all the dun quail do look like hens.
If you have a quail rooster though, you can breed them to him and the hatch will be 50% quail 50% dun quail
I am curious if d'anver like to roost high up. At present I have small coops which are four feet off the ground for easy access. If d'anver do not like to roost high, I'll need to make another style house for them.
Flower, my birds have had a roost since they were a week old and always want to be up high. They all love to spread their wings and fly, and a perch is a great destination!

Aubrey, I cannot believe that all three of my Dun Quail are girls!! The third DQ that is not pictured is a bit less than 1/3 the size of the others. Very tiny and very cute. The Porcelain are turning out really nice. I am amazed at this color and cannot wait to see them at maturity.

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flower, they dont care. High , low, as long as they have a roost, they are happy. Mine have them at 3 foot and 5 foot, the free ranged ones in the yard roost in the trees or on top of all the pens, so height really isnt an issue with them, just having a roost is good enough.

Julie, yep they are turning out nice looks like, and is odd to get all pullets, poor ol Cynthia almost went the opposite direction
I have to tell you that my 9 week old porcelain cockerel, Aubrey, is fearless. My humongous 14 lb. Blue Orp rooster, Suede, was running around this morning and made his way over to their pen. Aubrey runs right up to the big guy (this pipsqueak rooster is the size of Suede's foot) and challenges him at the fence, then starts crowing in his face. Of course, Suede payed no more attention to him than if he was a fly, but Aubrey seemed pleased that he chased away the big blue monster, LOL.

I was just happy I had at least 3 pullets out of these 7 birds! For awhile, I thought I had only 2. That would have been not so good. The 3 porcelains that didn't make it to hatch were probably my pullets.
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Suede could step on that boy and say "Lookie here boy...stop that before I am forced to hurt ya"

I have a color question for BoggyBottomBantams:

A MF roo over porcelain hens should give MF split to lavender correct?

I think I have a porcelain chicks from that pairing....at hatch - yellow chicks with greyish blue tones the Roo is all MF not a split so could the color of the chicks be blue MF or true porcelain? I will get pics when I pic them up, someone else incubated my eggs for me as my bator was full.
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Now I've got a mental picture of Foghorn Leghorn with that pipsqueak chicken hawk saying "Now, look a here boy, Ah say look here. You need to grow up some before you sass me!"

It's a good thing Suede is such a patient soul.

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