d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Well Boggy bottom, I thought he was a buff columbian at first. However he is too dark for the buff part. The tail seems to have the same color on both, unlike the quail I have which is clearly green. Unfortunitely, don't think hes that close to ginger red or if I can show him as that color. Friend of mine who breeds d'anvers told me to breed him to quail and make a red quail. However I don't think that is a show color either. But could probly give a nice darkening to the lighter quail colors perhaps? Not to sure, maybe if I were to breed to a light buff d'anver, if I could find one that would be a good option to make a good buff columbian.
how do you figure he's too dark for a buff columbian? They arent actually buff, they are a redder bodied bird. He does look to have mahogony in him too though, which would lead me more to the ginger red side. And no gingers arent a recognized color.
How did you get him?
Was it something you bred yourself or did you get him from someone else?
If I knew the genetics that he came from It would help more.

But based on what I'm looking at in the pics, and what I have here, he's a buff columbian or a ginger red.

Usually, colors like he is do bred well to quail, Like you said, especially if you had a weak colored hen to breed him to, it would most likely give you some nicer dark bodied quail chicks. Most all should be quail the first cross. Back breed those, some will be quail, some will most likely be like the roo. These offspring should then breed true to color for you.
Well the colors of the pictures didn't come out just right. But he doesn't look buff to me, he looks like a dark red to me. I guess when I think buff I allways think of a buff orpington, which is like a light tan. My wife and I were up at Lucasville, Ohio and found him. The people had some quail and then him by himself. My wife really liked him and so she got him for $8 bucks. The quail cock been shooting blanks so she put 2 quail in with him.

oh no, they are nothing like that, go back a page, I posted a pic of my buff columbian and ginger red colors. My buff columbian (the one pictured) isnt as dark as the bird you have, but I do have a buch of other ones that are. And some of the gingers are near a mahogony red

That's a great looking quail pullet there too by the way. Breed them together, should make some very nice quail out of them
I really loved the rooster I had with the two quail hens. But he was all blanks which just sucked. We had gotten some eggs from you on ebay Boggy. However only one made it. Unfortunitely he came out way to dark for us. So I guess this is best option for now, let them try something.
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yep, I had a beautiful porcelain male a few years back that went sterile on me too, really stinks when that happens. Changing them up is the only thing to do when that happens though.

Use that male though, they should make all quail off him, they just will take a second breeding back to quail for them to breed true again.
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"Thing is very few have any of them outside quail or blue quail. "

Thing is i of course saw the silver and was stunned by them!

Thank you for all your answers Boggy !

It appears there are some breeders here in ohio! The breed website is a really nice one too!
no problem

and yes Like I said earlier, there are more d'anver breeders in the state of Ohio than any other. I have sent quite a lot of them silver quail up in that area , so chances are, they were some of my stock at one time or another. Cause there aint but 2 lines known in the US that I know of in silver quail.
ok, i know everyone here prolly hates to hear this but i have to ask. has anyone crossed a d anver hen and a d uccle roo? i cant find a counterpart for either of mine. i really dont want to do it and still may not. just wondering the outcome mainly.

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